POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Some newbie questions : Some newbie questions Server Time
18 Feb 2025 16:55:45 EST (-0500)
  Some newbie questions  
From: Technetium
Date: 23 Feb 1999 19:59:15
Message: <36D3506A.B6E841C0@geocities.com>
I'm totally new to this. All I've done so far, successfully, is make the
yellow ball in the help tutorial. After that, it requires that I use
Moray, which gives me a lot of problems.

I'll ask that question first. I'm trying to do the bezier patch section
of the help-file tutorial (the one that comes with Povray). Eventually,
I get to a part where I have to scale the four inner points of the patch
so that they shrink to an approximate point. However, when I attempt to
scale that, the points fly out of sight. Apparently, moving the mouse
the minimal amount makes the whole thing jump. I couldn't repair it
either, as trying to move it back caused to to zip right past that point
and now I had it distorted to the other extreme.

I've read that it is possible to produce high quality images without
using an external modeller. if so, how do I accomplish that? I can't
seem to figure out how to do much other than generate basic spheres and
cubes (as explained in the help-file tutorial). What I'd really like is
a tutorial that explains everything. What other tutorials are there for
the Windows version (I specify this because I attempted to use a dos
tutorial once, and it told me to click on things in particular places,
only those things weren't there in the Windows version).

(aka Justin Smith)

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