POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Dec results (comment) : Re: Dec results (comment) Server Time
23 Dec 2024 12:35:21 EST (-0500)
  Re: Dec results (comment)  
From: Dan Connelly
Date: 17 Jan 1999 16:03:09
Message: <36A24FEC.700C54A4@flash.net>
Simon de Vet wrote:
> Dan Connelly wrote:
> > The votes on strike.jpg are curious.
> >
> > I gave it 18-20-13

> I thought the Pearl Harbour pic was the best in terms of Tech merit, and
> Concept (not top, but very good), but I wouldn't have given it top honours
> for artistic merit.


I gave three 18's in artistic (the top scores on this area) :
   tbenc01  ( the fish and the flowers )

The top score I gave for concept was 17, the image receiving
it cbh_fe (the birth image).

strike was the only 20 tech.  tbenc01 was the only 19.

For me, tech is "given a sketch of the scene, how well has the artist
rendered the sketch?".

While artistic is "how well was the sketch generated?"

Concept is "how well did the sketch represent the topic?"  A 20 concept
would be an award-winning cover on a book with a title of the topic
(in this case, "First Encounter")... it really needs to say something
special about it.  Did strike meet this sort of standard?  Not
even close.  It was above average in concept, though (avg was 11.12,
stdev 3.7).

So I thought strike had all the right artistic elements:

 Effective use of foreground and background.
 Novel camera viewpoint.
 Novel camera orientation.
 Careful use of lighting.
 Image conveys emotion.
 Image conveys a story.
 Effective use of color.

(I leave texture to tech.)

It wasn't blow-away incredible artistically... which is why I didn't
give it a 19 or 20. 

But technically -- amazing.  I was stunned.  Nearly perfect -- down to the
historical details.  Definitely professional grade stuff.


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