POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Warning - MS IE 4times out before submission complete : Re: Warning - MS IE 4times out before submission complete Server Time
23 Dec 2024 14:58:25 EST (-0500)
  Re: Warning - MS IE 4times out before submission complete  
From: Ken
Date: 30 Dec 1998 08:47:41
Message: <368A2E95.6F3281CA@pacbell.net>
Tim Glover wrote:
> Just a brief warning to those of you who are planning on
> submitting IRTC entries via the web submission option.  I
> tried this route this weekend using MS IE 4 as a browser and
> could not get through the submission phase w/o the browser
> declaring that the site was not responding, thereby dropping the
> submission.  I can't immediately find the setting on IE to set a
> longer wait, so I went the FTP route (which worked fine).
> No slam on IRTC -- this is strictly a MS thing.  This is just a
> warning for those of you still working on an entry who may be trying
> to submit it at the last possible moment.  If you use MS IE 4, go
> with FTP or e-mail or risk not entering at all.
> Good luck to all!
> Tim Glover
> tgl### [at] nettallycom

Try the following:

  In control panel - internet - connection settings. Uncheck
the disconnect if idle longer than __ check box.

Not gauranteed to work no how no way. Anything can and will go wrong
with IE4.

Ken Tyler

tyl### [at] pacbellnet

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