POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Image filenames and viewing page sorting : Re: Image filenames and viewing page sorting Server Time
23 Dec 2024 15:15:41 EST (-0500)
  Re: Image filenames and viewing page sorting  
From: Nieminen Mika
Date: 2 Nov 1998 03:34:53
Message: <363d6ead.0@news.povray.org>
Jerry Anning <cle### [at] dholcom> wrote:
: For voters with Win95(98), Bob Franke's Winvote program does exactly
: that.

  The win95-virus strikes again... Anyone wishing to port it to SunOS so
that other people can use it also?

: I should also point out that Nathan O'Brien (No. 13)
: does not name his images thus as a position trick.  According to him,
: the No. 13 that has become his trademark originated from a slurred
: rendition of his initials: N O'B that looked like N O 1 3.

  That's exactly why I added the comment:

:> (of course I'm not saying _all_ the people
:> at the top are doing this, but I suppose that at least a few of them).

  I just didn't want to be prejudiced (is this the right term?) so I listed
his entry among the others although I know he is not one of those people
which name their files deliberately to get at the top.

: The Winvote
: program is located at: http://www.halcyon.com/wordsltd/pov/winvote.htm.

  As I said, I can't use it, since I don't have win95.

                                                           - Warp. -

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