POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Whats the next topic??? I want to get started. : Re: Whats the next topic??? I want to get started. Server Time
23 Dec 2024 15:32:05 EST (-0500)
  Re: Whats the next topic??? I want to get started.  
From: =Bob
Date: 1 Nov 1998 03:20:48
Message: <363c19e0.0@news.povray.org>
"Time to get modeling" ought to sink in to my brain sooner than later this 
round after delaying so long in getting started on the last one, unless of 
course I can't even think of what to make.
I just went to get my entry uploaded and glanced at the clock first.
2:06am (12:06am PDT), six minutes past the deadline.
No use, I have it set to Boulder Colorado's atomic clock.
I didn't really have a chance anyhow, couldn't get out of going to my own 
birthday afterall, now could I? (oh-oh... I can just hear it now).

Message <363b18c6.0@news.povray.org>, Mike Norton  typed...
>The sub says it all.
>What is the next topic, time to get modeling :)
>Mike Norton

 omniVERSE: beyond the universe

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