Has anyone experiene with the old (for povray 3.0) Tri-colour Triangles
include file from Chris Colefax? I downloaded it yesterday from his
homepage together with the instructions and tried to use it. The problem
is that I use an unofficial povray version 3.01 compiled for a SGI O2. I
have no official installation here at work.
My file looks like this:
//***** beginning of file
camera {
location <2,2,2>
look_at <0,0,0>
light_source {<2,2,2> color rgb<1,1,1>}
#declare P1 =<0.0, 0.0, 0.0>
#declare P2 =<1.0, 0.0, 0.0>
#declare P3 =<0.0, 1.0, 0.0>
#declare C1 =<1,1,1>
#declare C2 =<1,1,1>
#declare C3 =<1,1,1>
include "tricol.inc"
//***** ending of file
When I run this file I get a error message during parsing (I did this
with two different binaries):
Parsing...tricol.inc:52: warning: Pigment type unspecified or not 1st
rotate _TC_XZroty rotate _TC_normrotx + _TC_normroty translate P1}
#if (texture_only = false) triangle {P1, P2, P3 #end
pigment {average pigment_map {
[1 onion pigment_map {[0 C1] <----ERROR
tricol.inc:52: error: ] expected but vector function 'vector identifier'
found instead.
I looked through the include file but I am not very familar with the
math for mapping the pigments and I don't believe that there is an error
in Chris Include File. So where is mine?
Any help appreciated!
Marc Schimmler
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