POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Dead line time ? : Re: Dead line time ? Server Time
23 Dec 2024 15:23:45 EST (-0500)
  Re: Dead line time ?  
From: Ken
Date: 3 Nov 1998 06:40:15
Message: <363EEB63.6AFB7CE0@pacbell.net>
Ron Parker wrote:

> On Mon, 02 Nov 1998 14:50:59 +0100, Marc Schimmler
>         <sch### [at] icauni-stuttgartde> wrote:
> >Estelle Gargatte wrote:
> >
> >> Pacific Time is. Could you please give the equivalent in GMT ?
> >
> >It is GMT - 7. That means if you live in GMT+1 and your clock shows
> >13.00 pm it is 5 am in PDT time zone (I just learned this too!).
> Those places in the US where Daylight Savings Time is observed
> stop observing it ("fall back") on the last Sunday in October.
> This means that "Pacific Time" currently means "Pacific
> Standard Time", which is GMT-8.  This will continue to be true
> until the first Sunday in April, when the barbarians will once
> more begin observing Daylight Savings Time and will "spring
> forward" to GMT-7.
> For the sake of everyone involved, I'll suppress my standard
> rant about how much productivity this 18th-century practice
> costs us twice a year as people miss appointments and deadlines
> because they forgot to reset one of the approximately twelve
> billion clocks in the average American house.

  My average amrican home does not have 12 billion clocks.
Perhaps a dozen is all.

Ken Tyler

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