POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Image filenames and viewing page sorting : Re: Image filenames and viewing page sorting Server Time
23 Dec 2024 15:11:22 EST (-0500)
  Re: Image filenames and viewing page sorting  
From: Dan Connelly
Date: 2 Nov 1998 04:45:41
Message: <363D7F4C.38FD7C4@flash.net>
Is there any indication going early is an advantage?  It may
well be a disadvantage, as voters intentionally compensate while
going through the list, if they in fact do so in alphabetical

Nevertheless, I see no problem in randomly sorting entries until
the voting is closed.  After the results are sealed, they could be
restored to a less chaotic, more useful sequence.... alphabetical
by entrant name would perhaps be most useful.


Nieminen Mika wrote:

>   Wouldn't it be a good idea to build the viewing page so that the entries
> are not in alfabetical order, but in random order? This way nobody can get
> advantage by naming his/her files with leading 0's.
>   Of course this makes it harder to find your own entry, but I think that's
> a minimal disadvantage... :)


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