POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : time is ticking away : Re: Showing entries before dealine is ok? (was: Re: time is ticking away) Server Time
23 Dec 2024 15:10:07 EST (-0500)
  Re: Showing entries before dealine is ok? (was: Re: time is ticking away)  
From: Marc Schimmler
Date: 30 Oct 1998 03:38:24
Message: <36397AE5.D0071EC4@ica.uni-stuttgart.de>
I also think that showing the submission before the deadline is a
disadvantage for the creator. 

I really like to look at the new pictures there and when there is one I
already know I just say: "OK, I know that one!  -- and then go on.

But to my eyes its not a contest in classical sense but a opening day at
the gallery. *Every* picture there contains an idea and most of the time
a lot of work and there is no way to learn something about raytracing
and the capabilities of Povray than to look at them and ask
yourself:"How has she/he done *THAT*!" 

It's the way I learned my tricks.


Marc Schimmler
Institut fuer Computeranwendungen
Universitaet Stuttgart

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