POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : time is ticking away : Re: time is ticking away Server Time
23 Dec 2024 14:54:16 EST (-0500)
  Re: time is ticking away  
From: Mike
Date: 30 Oct 1998 02:57:18
Message: <36396FCE.3BD77E93@aol.com>
Seems like a short time doesn't it?  Even though we're given a whole two

I think that what eats up the most time is the time I spend just looking at
the image and trying to decide if it's ready.  I usually start with a plan,
but I always find that given a few days to reflect on the image, I always want
to add more to it.  After awhile, it's like it's not even about the IRTC
anymore.  I need to get it just right or I'll be miserable with myself for
having spent so much time on it and not getting it just how I want it.

Which reminds me...I need to finish this darn thing!  What am I doing online?


Kentauren wrote:

> I've seen pictures so great in irtc,,,,I wonder ...how do you find time to
> make such excellent submissions in such a 'short' time ????
> -Kent

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