POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : Q: Can you #declare blob components? : Re: Q: Can you #declare blob components? Server Time
16 Nov 2024 01:19:52 EST (-0500)
  Re: Q: Can you #declare blob components?  
From: Mike
Date: 30 Oct 1998 02:22:49
Message: <363967B9.CF734D30@aol.com>
I've been wanting to do this for a long time, really!

Consider this (can your code handle this?):

#declare Blob1 =
blob {
threshold .3
sphere {<0, 0, 0>, 1, 1}
pigment {color White}

#declare Blob2 =
blob {
threshold .3
sphere {<0, 0, -1>, 1, 1}
pigment {color Blue}

blob {
blob {Blob1 translate 1*clock*y}
blob {Blob2 rotate 30*clock*y}

Now imagine if you built a bunch of parts for a human using blobs and declared
each one, then incorporated each part into another one.  You could move the
parts to make the character walk and talk ect.  Considering that making, for
example, an arm with blobs can take 30 or more components, having to tranform
each one individually is a real pain.  With this syntax, each blob would be
just like any other primitive, yet they could interact with other blobs, which
would be cool.

I think it'll be great.  Glad to hear that Chris Young likes the idea.:)


Darius Davis wrote:

> Although it doesn't actually allow you to #declare a single component
> itself, you can always #declare a blob that contains just one component,
> and then use that #declared component anywhere just like in the example
> above.
> And I thought I was the only person in the world who wanted to use such
> a feature!
> I'd like some feedback on whether the above syntax examples are
> sufficient, and what sorts of deficiencies it might have... I guess it's
> best to get this sorted out fully before it's merged into POV itself!
> Cheers, and merry POVing to all,
> Darius Davis

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