Peter Popov wrote:
> So you are saying that an area light is identical to a point light for
> scattering media tests? I know this is the case with area lights and light
> falloff, but this media thingy is news to me. I just never had the guts to
> try media *and* area_light in the same scene. Any other cases I don't know
> about?
> Peter
Well, yes and no. An area light _does_ cast soft shadows into the media (look at
the scene I've included, comment out area_light to see the difference). This is
very nice; but an area light's rays still start from one point in space (look at
the tip of the spotlight cone in my scene). I haven't tried out
media_attenuation and area_lights yet, but I guess the same problem persists.
//Start scene//
#include "colors.inc"
camera {orthographic
location <0,4,-8>
up y*15*.75
right x*15
look_at y*4}
light_source {0, 5
spotlight radius 20 falloff 20 point_at y
area_light x,z,3,3 adaptive 1 jitter
media {scattering {1, .1}}
cylinder {<0,4,-7>,<0,4,7>,.75 pigment {Red}}
polygon {4,<-.5,0,-.5>,<-.5,0,.5>,<.5,0,.5>,<.5,0,-.5>
pigment {White} finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0} no_shadow}
plane {y, 8 pigment {White} hollow}
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