Tommy Grav wrote:
> I modelling a spaceship with povray and want to add an imagemap
> to the tail. I use
> When rendering the imagemaps shows up on both sides of the tail, on one
> side it is the mirrorimage. I understand that this is because the
> imagemap is considered to be long rods in the z-direction with different
> colors. But is there any way to avoid it showing through the tail, in
> other words just show up on one side?
What I do is make a decal object. I use a primitive of the same shape
as the object to receive the image. I make the image background totally
transparent (transmit 0,1 usually does the trick), clip the decal to
the boundaries of the image, apply the no_shadow flag, and place it
so that it is a small fraction above the surface of the object. The
result is like those decals you get for model airplanes.
"He has the power to rear-project major cities!" -- Mike Nelson
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