I am sorry if someone can't read my reply. I am reposting it. I just
re-installed Windows and Outlook, but I think I finally got it in the corner
and set it to plain non-encoded western text once and for all.
Thomas Willhalm wrote in message ...
>In my opinion, your suggestion goes in a good direction. It can even
>be simplified and improved at the same time: Instead of considering
>a single object it is almost as easy to determine for each sample ray
>the first object that is hit. So, my idea is as follows:
Well, I didn't make myself very clear, it seems. I supposed that one object
only - O - was lit by the spotlight to make things easier to explain and not
fiddle with O1, O2 etc. There were many variables anyway.
>Another method, which I already used, is to incorporate human knowledge
>about the scene. More precisely, in a scene where a disco ball is lit
>by a spot light, it is known where to place the virtual lights (if we
>assume one light per mirror). Using the capabilities of the POV-Ray
>language is it possible the automatically calculate the position of
>these light sources, their respective directions, and the test whether
>they are in the shadow of the disco ball. I know this, because I've done
>it. The result is at
>I have even created an animation of my disco ball.
If your disco ball is the one posted in binaries.images, it is what made my
cpu think a little on the subject.
>I'm sorry about my bad English, but my native language is German.
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