I modelling a spaceship with povray and want to add an imagemap
to the tail. I use
object { tailwing
texture {C1b}
texture { pigment { image_map {
gif "altairsign.gif"
map_type 0
filter 0,1 }
scale <3,2,1> translate <-3,-1,0.05>}}
translate <-7,4,-0.02>}
When rendering the imagemaps shows up on both sides of the tail, on one side it
is the mirrorimage. I understand that this is because the imagemap is considered
to be long rods in the z-direction with different colors. But is it any way to
it showing through the tail, in other words just show up on one side?
Tommy Grav
tom### [at] astrouiono http://www.uio.no/~tommygr/
Institute of Astrophysics, UiO, No
IMTU tn++t4+tg+ ru+ge++ !3i jt+au+st+ls hi++dr-so++zh-sy-sw++
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