Xno### [at] ezwvcom (G. Berry) wrote:
>I just want to announce the availability of
>an Un-official Linux port of the POV-Ray 3.1
>version. It was written by Ron Parker and it
>can be found on my website:
>Just look at the "downloads" section to find
>it. You can also find the official versions
>of POV 3.1 for DOS and WIN95, along with the
>source code for the DOS version. The DOS source
>is actually what the Linux port is based upon.
>Until the official Linux port comes out, this
>is the only Linux port I know of. Perhaps some
>of you might want to give it a try.
>Glen Berry
>Home -> http://www.ezwv.com/~mclilith/index.html
>IMP -> http://www.algonet.se/~jhubert/MovieProject/index.html
>To reply via personal email, remove the "X" from Xno### [at] ezwvcom
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