Hi !
it's a trick but you can create a image including yor text in black over a
white background, next in pov make a heightfield, remove the base using a
cgs operation an later apply the apropiate scale and other tansformation
Sorry for my very bad english, my natural language is spanish : )
good lock
riperey@geocitiesDOTcom or pereyrag@imagen-netDOTcomDOTar
replace DOT for . if you want reply this.
>Often I need to center text on an object or align it in certain ways, but
>it proves difficult because of the variable length in most text fonts.. a
>monofont would solve my problem, but so would a way to compute the length
>of a text object, which I could throw into a variable and use from there.
>Is this making sense to anyone? :) Please help..
>- lv
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