POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : A portable POV-Ray graphical interface? : Re: A portable POV-Ray graphical interface? Server Time
16 Nov 2024 09:19:33 EST (-0500)
  Re: A portable POV-Ray graphical interface?  
From: Rik Ling
Date: 4 Sep 1998 00:17:58
Message: <35ef5be6.0@news.povray.org>
> - A Tk interface. I don't know Tk yet, but I'll have to learn it
>anyway for a professionnal job, and from what I read it seems quite
>easy and quite portable. The underlying language would be either
>Python or Tcl, which I also plan to learn in the next few weeks. My
>proposed plan would be to extend these languages with C-written
>functions that I would get from POV-Ray.

I've never used Tcl/Tk either, but if portability is what you're looking for
then this seems like a good platform.  I think Emacs is a Unix only
solution, whereas Tcl/Tk covers Unix, Windows 95/98/NT, and (I think) BeOS,
mkLinux and MacOS - probably other even more esoteric operating systems have
a version as well.  I'll have to check.

Have you considered (yikes!) Java?

>  Yes, that's a lot of work, but I'm ready to get involved in
>it. Anyway I will, but even more if I get feedback about these
>methods. Who's interested? Who's interested in the result? Who's
>interested in helping (merely by beta-testing, but why not by coding
>too)? I need your advice...

I'd be interested in helping, as it looks like I'll be studying the POV code
in detail anyway (See "POV and 3DNow! instruction set" conversation thread).
At the very least I could beta test for you...

Perhaps this thread, (and the 3DNow! thread) should be moved to
"povray.programming" since that is what we seem to be talking about....

Graphics Lurker
rli### [at] pipcomcom

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