> I once asked if anybody had developed a routine for object collision
>avoidance which I believe is what you will need to fill a cylinder or
>any other shape without them overlapping. Dan Connely replied that
>he had seen one recently but I can't remember where the posted reply
>is located at. Dan if your out there could you fill in the blanks.
I just wrote a little macro which fills a cylinder with spheres
randomly without overlapping. The problems are, that it takes a long
time to render for many spheres in a small cylinder and that the
spheres doesn't contact each other. So it can only be used to fill a
shape in space without gravitation ;-)
The parameter variables are:
SeedNr: value for initializing the random stream
CylRadius: Radius of the cylinder
CylHeight: Height of the cylinder
Count: The number of spheres to create
MinSize: Minimum size of a sphere
MaxSize: Maximum size of a sphere
MaxLoops: After this number of loops the macro will be interrupted
if no new position for a sphere can be found.
The cylinder is based on the X-Z-floor.
Example: FillCylinder(1, 1, 2, 500, 0.1, 0.1, 100)
(It took 50 seconds on my computer by parsing...)
A macro for filling a sphere or a box could be written easily by the
same way.
By the way, the macro can also be used by
union {
FillCylinder(1, 1, 2, 500, 0.1, 0.1, 100)
translate ...
#macro FillCylinder(SeedNr, CylRadius, CylHeight, Count, MinSize,
MaxSize, MaxLoops)
#local Seed = seed(SeedNr);
#local Pos = array[Count]
#local Size = array[Count]
#local i = 0;
#local Loops = 0;
#while (i < Count & Loops < MaxLoops)
#local Size[i] = rand(Seed)*(MaxSize-MinSize)+MinSize;
#local Break = false;
#while (Break = false)
#local X = rand(Seed)*(CylRadius-Size[i])*2-(CylRadius-Size[i]);
#local Z = rand(Seed)*(CylRadius-Size[i])*2-(CylRadius-Size[i]);
#if (vlength(<X, 0, Z>) <= CylRadius-Size[i])
#local Break = true;
#local Y = rand(Seed)*(CylHeight-2*Size[i])+Size[i];
#local Pos[i] = <X, Y, Z>;
#local ShowIt = true;
#local j = 0;
#while (j < i & ShowIt = true)
#if (vlength(Pos[j]-Pos[i])-Size[j]-Size[i] < 0)
#local ShowIt = false;
#local j = j + 1;
#if (ShowIt = true)
#debug concat("Sphere ", str(i+1, 0, 0), "\n")
sphere {
Pos[i], Size[i]
pigment { color rgb <1, 0, 0> }
#local i = i + 1;
#local Loops = 0;
#local Loops = Loops + 1;
#if (Loops > 0)
#debug concat(">>> Break after ", str(Loops, 0, 0), " loops!\n")
Friedemann Schmidt
Fri### [at] Stonescom
Raytracing-Gallery: http://www.rz.fhtw-berlin.de/~s0049669/
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