I actually defined a circle above, but you merely have to extrude my
formula on the third axis to create a cylinder... just wanted to
clarify, it doesn't change the validity of the formulii
Stephen Lavedas wrote:
> You are working too hard. The scaled cylinder is not an ellipse. It is
> merely a cylinder with a scaled axis. There are several differences,
> not the least of being the definition. A cylinder is defined easily by
> x = rcos(theta) and y = rsin(theta) (or vis versa) So try working with
> x = rcos(theta)
> y = Rsin(thete)
> so the x position 30 degrees around the cylinder would be r*sqrt(3)/2
> and the y position would be R*0.5 if you move the cylinder, simply add
> the displacement to the values above.
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