I've installed POV 3.1b5 on my Windows 95 machine, and I'm running into
another syntax problem.
When I render this code :
camera { location <0.5,0.4,-4>
right 4/3*x
direction 1*z
look_at <0,0,0> }
I get a warning :
"All #version and #declare of float, vector, and color require
semi-colon ':' at end. "
on the same line as the 'location' keyword. If I put a semi-colon after
the vector in this line I get :
"No matching } in camera, ; found instead."
I have looked through the documentation but I can't find anything on
syntax changes in 3.1 from version 3.0
If anyone has any info, could you post it or e-mail me with it please?
Josh English
eng### [at] spiritonecom
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