POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : Animation performance : Re: Animation performance Server Time
11 Mar 2025 21:53:34 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Animation performance  
From: Chambers
Date: 28 Nov 2008 06:18:29
Message: <21C8FF668AFF43B69426CA6BF16A3E33@HomePC>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nicolas Alvarez [mailto:nic### [at] gmailcom]
> Because POV-Ray has no idea if the images will change between frames.
> Or if
> you use "image"+frame_number+".png". Absolutely no information is kept
> in
> memory from one frame to another, except for the fairly-new clockless
> animation feature.

Actually, it *should* be possible to use a global cache of image data.
When an image needs to be loaded during the parse stage, POV can check
whether or not the image is already in the cache.  If it is, then check
the timestamp on the physical file.  If the image is not in the cache,
or the timestamp is newer than the image in the cache (would happen if
you use the output of one frame when rendering the next), then load the
image from disk... otherwise, use the image in the cache.

...Ben Chambers

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