> I included image shows the first test render of a snuggle pet
> (Kuscheltier???) and 1.7 million small cylinders on top of it.
> Where you can see the underlying mesh, you are looking directly on top
> of these small cylinders.
Yes, it would look nicer if the underlying mesh were the same colour as
the fur, or if it were only a slightly different colour.
I'd also recommend varying the length of your hair-strands randomly
within two ranges. Real furry animals (and good-quality fake fur) have a
brush-like coat of short strands, and a much less dense coat of longer
'guard' strands. Reproducing this effect is quite important for realism.
> By the way, ..., memory consumtpion was 1,4 G for this render
Well, I won't be rendering it before I upgrade my box to have more
memory. I was going to offer a useful tip to use less memory by
dynamically creating the cylinders where you are looking, but I can't
think of how you'd do it without patching POV-Ray.
There was a young man from Japan, . o O ( http://surreal.istic.org/ )
Who wrote verse that just wouldn't scan; ( It's like a DEATH CIRCUS! )
When they said, "But the thing Has to go with a swing," GPG 885b170d
He said, "Yes, but I like to make the final line last as long as I can."
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