> > The bits of string tied round everything seem to be isotherms or
> > something similar. Have the flask things been heated and then
> > inserted into a bowl of water?
> No, you, Stefan, and Thomas have missed the 'Medical' context.
But am I along the right lines? They are iso-somethings, right?
> As we are all regulars in off-topic, I though this one would
> have been easy.
It's a graph of civilian casualties in Iraq! Or a prop from Thief. Or it
depicts the plot holes in films. Ah, I give up.
Stop the infinite loop, I want to get off! http://surreal.istic.org/
Paraphernalia/Never hides your broken bones,/ And I don't know why you'd
want to try:/ It's plain to see you're on your own. -- Paul Simon
The documentation that can be written is not the true documentation.
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