Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlink net> wrote:
> In article <1fr4a7h.44sdcb1jqm0yuN%kaveh@delete_this.focalimage.com>,
> kav### [at] delete_this focalimage com (Kaveh) wrote:
> > Is there an .inc file that converts a wavelength to the approximate
> > equivalent RGB components? I am looking for perfect accuracy. An
> > approximate look-up table will do.
> You contradict yourself. Perfection or approximation, pick one...only an
> approximation is possible though.
Oops. A bad typo to make. I meant to say "I am *not* looking for perfect
> BTW, what do you want this for? I can't think of many uses for this,
> except as a part of a system for converting spectral data to RGB.
I am writing a program to mimic the reconstruction of holographic
images. When a hologram (of a point object, say) is made with one
wavelength, and replayed with another wavelenth, the image is displaced,
and distorted, as a function of the wavelength. (This is because of the
dispersion of light, which in diffractive optics is some 40 time greater
than in refractive optics.)
I want the old image to be shown in the original wavelength colour, and
the new one in the colour of the new wavelength, as closely as
practical. So for each wavelength there would be a value in a lookup
table for the RGB to use.
When we use a large number of wavelengths, as in white light, I want to
see a more or less continuous spectrum of light, with each spectral
image in its correct position.
Thanks for your help. I will check the sites you mentioned.
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