POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Simulating interference of coherent light : Simulating interference of coherent light Server Time
4 Nov 2024 19:14:41 EST (-0500)
  Simulating interference of coherent light  
From: Kaveh
Date: 8 Dec 2002 00:36:04
Message: <1fmv7fw.1e1z0nu13wt8psN%kaveh@delete_this.focalimage.com>
I am trying to simulate an interference pattern made with two light
sources. The fringes made in space have a sinusiodal variation,
depending on the distance of each of the two sources from any point in
space. So for any <x,y,z>, if the distance to the two light sources is
equal, then that point is light. As the difference increases, the points
in space vary sinusoidally with the path difference. The effect is
something like onion rings in space.

Ideally, I would like to be able to vary the colour and transparency at
any point in space, so the 'light' bits can be transparent. 

I have tried to use a user defined function to vary the pigment, but I
need to use the vlength() function to calculate the path difference.
According to the manual (6.1.6) I can't use functions that apply to
vectors, like vlength. Also, seems I can vary the pigment, but not
color. So I don't know how to define transparency without using filter
in color.

Any guidance, general or specific, very welcome.


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