POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Declaration type : Declaration type Server Time
4 Nov 2024 13:32:24 EST (-0500)
  Declaration type  
From: Kaveh
Date: 16 Nov 2002 00:23:56
Message: <1flqk0y.1vw6141xu6fckN%kaveh@delete_this.focalimage.com>
I find that I can use the following code:

#declare a = 1;
#sphere {a,a pigment{color rgb a}}

Furthermore, the following code:

#declare a = 1;
#sphere {a.x,a pigment{color rgb a}}

gives the same result, i.e. a.x gives the x component, which is 1, which
is then re-interpreted as the vector <1,1,1>

Obviously not good style, but is "a" held internally both as a float and
as a vector? I appreciate any insight into this.


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