POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : uv_mapping bug? : Re: uv_mapping bug? Server Time
6 Mar 2025 22:06:45 EST (-0500)
  Re: uv_mapping bug?  
From: smellenbergh
Date: 24 Aug 1999 12:56:16
Message: <1dx1s7x.10gs3ef16q8esuN@dialup428.leuven.skynet.be>
Nathan Kopp <Nat### [at] Koppcom> wrote:

> With a bi-cubic patch, gradient x doesn't go in the 'z' direction, but
> in the 'u' direction.  It just happens that in your scene, the surface
> 'u' direction is in the world 'z' direction.
> The surface of an object is only 2 dimensional, whereas textures in POV
> are 3 dimensional.  At some point, only one slice of the 3d texture can
> be mapped to the 2d surface coordinates.
> You can use the XZ plane of a texture if you want to: you simply have to
> rotate the texture so that the XZ plane lies in the XY plane.
>   rotate 90*x  // this should do the trick
> -Nathan

Thanks for the explanation. It finally makes sense.
Obviously not a bug :-) .

e-mail:sme### [at] skynetbe


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