On Tue, 26 Jul 2005 10:03:30 -0400, Jim Charter <jrc### [at] msncom>
>Hi, I think it is an oddly attractive image but I can't put my finger on
>quite why. The "atmosphere" is very pleasing, stemming I think from the
>dark silvery tones of the composition overall. The style and execution
>has a naive, primitive quality rather than high photo-realism, which
>adds a lot of charm. Yet in subliminal ways, the picture feels very
>real. Mentally the viewer can enter it. I think this is much because of
>your pictorial economy of means. For instance, you use the sky and fog
>in a simple way to convey a lot of realism. The palms are a bit stylized
>but you use their bending silhouettes to great effect. Having said all
>that, I find the moon to be a huge anomaly.
>So you see, it is a tricky picture to comment on. I am left unsure as to
>whether I have complimented you or offended you :( because it is not
>clear yet where you are trying to take the picture. Not your fault,
>just "one of those things," and may in part explain the dirth of comments.
Thank you for your well-articulated observations. This image came
about as I was learning different aspects of the POV-Ray scene
language, as follows:
Palm trees - various dynamic macros and meshes
Water, isosurface and material with interior
Land - isosurface with a texture that varies with its height (the land
is darker under the water)
Fog - well, fog
Moon - light groups, layered textures
So basically, I have never really had a particular direction that I
was going with this image. It has always been kind of a playground
that I revisit from time-to-time and has just developed to this stage
by happenstance, including the very distracting moon.
I think I am going to work towards making the scene more
photorealistic. It'll be a continuing challenge and should help me
learn more about lighting, textures, etc.
You have complimented me by taking the time to write your review.
Thank you,
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