POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Redux question on isosurfaces. : Redux question on isosurfaces. Server Time
22 Feb 2025 18:39:55 EST (-0500)
  Redux question on isosurfaces.  
From: CreeD
Date: 7 Aug 2000 23:14:43
Message: <01c000e7$889cd9c0$041ba1d0@mk>
Thanks to all that replied (the bucky ball is neat T.O.C.) ...
let me rephrase my earlier question.

Is there a 'standard' way to take a pigment/normal such as marble, wood, or
basic checker-type patterns and make them not only *look* like a surface
but to actually *be* a surface normal using isosurfaces?
The hexagon thing didn't work but I got it to sorta do what I was
expecting, in that
I ended up with a bunch of 3-D six-sided polygons extruding in the y

What would the code look like for a crackle sphere using isosurfaces?

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