POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Some newbie questions : Re: Some newbie questions Server Time
20 Feb 2025 14:08:54 EST (-0500)
  Re: Some newbie questions  
From: BC
Date: 25 Feb 1999 23:53:30
Message: <01be6144$6ccd0b00$010b010a@angela>
If you are havving trouble with Moray scaling things too much, try clicking
further from the origin when you start the drag. This is difficult to
explain but you should find that the further away from the origin you
start, the slower it scales. Persist, I find the Moray spline editor quite
useful but it takes a while to learn.

Good Luck
<gbe### [at] birdcameroncomau>

Technetium <t74### [at] geocitiescom> wrote in article
> I'm totally new to this. All I've done so far, successfully, is make the
> yellow ball in the help tutorial. After that, it requires that I use
> Moray, which gives me a lot of problems.
> I'll ask that question first. I'm trying to do the bezier patch section
> of the help-file tutorial (the one that comes with Povray). Eventually,
> I get to a part where I have to scale the four inner points of the patch
> so that they shrink to an approximate point. However, when I attempt to
> scale that, the points fly out of sight. Apparently, moving the mouse
> the minimal amount makes the whole thing jump. I couldn't repair it
> either, as trying to move it back caused to to zip right past that point
> and now I had it distorted to the other extreme.
> I've read that it is possible to produce high quality images without
> using an external modeller. if so, how do I accomplish that? I can't
> seem to figure out how to do much other than generate basic spheres and
> cubes (as explained in the help-file tutorial). What I'd really like is
> a tutorial that explains everything. What other tutorials are there for
> the Windows version (I specify this because I attempted to use a dos
> tutorial once, and it told me to click on things in particular places,
> only those things weren't there in the Windows version).
> --
> -Technetium
> (aka Justin Smith)

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