POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.windows : Povwin 3.02, won't render : Re: Povwin 3.02, won't render Server Time
25 Feb 2025 01:30:22 EST (-0500)
  Re: Povwin 3.02, won't render  
From: Scott Hill
Date: 28 Oct 1998 10:07:08
Message: <01be01a5$bb137a00$8c00a8c0@shindo>
Cedar <ced### [at] geocitiescom> wrote in article
<362### [at] geocitiescom>...
<various stuff about POV crashing>
> One thing I have noticed, I can no longer run HyperTerminal, it
> gives a page fault in unknown modual.  

	AHA!! Sounds like part of windows has been trashed. 'fraid it's probably
full re-install time, unless you can track down the errant file and restore
it from a back-up.

Scott Hill
Sco### [at] DDLinkscouk
Software Engineer (and all round nice guy)
Author of Pandora's Box
Company homepage : http://www.ddlinks.demon.co.uk

"The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing people he didn't
								- Verbal Kint.

"the Internet is here so we can waste time talking about nothing in 
 particular when we should be working" - Marcus Hill.

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