POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : This year's most ARROGANT email : Re: Z - This year's most ARROGANT letter Server Time
26 Feb 2025 13:33:53 EST (-0500)
  Re: Z - This year's most ARROGANT letter  
From: Scott Hill
Date: 25 Sep 1998 06:24:28
Message: <01bde7d5$5ead2de0$8c00a8c0@shindo>
<anti flame device>
PLEASE NOTE: What I write here I do not truly believe, read just a smidgen
of sarcasm into everything I write in this post.
<\anti flame device>

Ken <tyl### [at] pacbellnet> wrote in article
> Scott Hill wrote:
> > Ken <tyl### [at] pacbellnet> wrote in article
> > <36054595.82F405B0@pacbell.net>...
> > > povray.org admin team wrote:
> > >
> > >     I agree with what you say although the British are not
> > > immune from doing the same thing. Take the common
> > > expressions "telly" and "uni" for the correct pronounciation
> > > of television and university.
> >
> > <pointless pedantry>
> >
> >         Actually "telly" and "uni" are abbreviations. And any how it's
> > language do with what we please, the rest of you lot are just borrowing
> > <\pointless pedantry>
> > --
> > Scott Hill
> Borrowing it Sir ? Why the population base of North America
> originaly started as a British colony. Throw in some Frenchies,
> a few spanish, and and a handfull of  Dutch. It's been over 200
> years now since we decided the British way of life was too
> restrictive and you guy's just can't seem to get over it. We have
> forgiven you though.

	What you mean is it's been over 200 years since we kicked you out of our
country and now you all go round corrupting our language and thinking you
rule the world. Just remember we did rule the world once (or a good
proportion of it). ;-)

>     Now as far as "we" just borrowing your language that just is
> not true. The "American" language is evolving at a tremendous rate.
> We are absorbing the worlds homeless, in large numbers annualy,
> and as a consequence it is becoming a true multi-national language.

	Just 'cos you go round bastardising our beautiful language it don't make
it yours. And you think absorbing the worlds homeless is a good thing ?
Sure take in the dregs of society if you wish, then the rest of us can use
you as dumping ground for our unwanted trash. The multi-nationality of
English has more to do with our conquering a good part of the civilised
world than the over-inflated American ego. ;-)

>      America ! We are the world.

	Urrgh! Just thinking about that damn song makes me want to hurl.

<anti flame device>
Once again let emphasise that I DO NOT really mean most of that (I'm not
really as xenophobic as this sounds), please add a liberal sprinkling of
smileys, thankyou.
<\anti flame device>
Scott Hill
Sco### [at] DDLinkscouk
Software Engineer (and all round nice guy)
Author of Pandora's Box
Company homepage : http://www.ddlinks.demon.co.uk

"The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing people he didn't
								- Verbal Kint.

"the Internet is here so we can waste time talking about nothing in 
 particular when we should be working" - Marcus Hill.

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