POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : This year's most ARROGANT email : Um, no there isn't [WAS : erm yeah - there is a British win95 ;) ] Server Time
26 Feb 2025 13:38:26 EST (-0500)
  Um, no there isn't [WAS : erm yeah - there is a British win95 ;) ]  
From: Scott Hill
Date: 24 Sep 1998 11:27:35
Message: <01bde7b2$cc47e2a0$8c00a8c0@shindo>
Matthew Bennett <ben### [at] btinternetcom> wrote in article
> Using the English (British) Win95 right now 

	What makes you believe it's a British version ? My bet is you're using the
us version just set up with English (British) as its language. Try this -
go to Control Panel, run Regional Settings then on the Regional Settings
tab change the drop down list to another language, say French (Canadian),
are you now using a French (Canadian) version of Win95 ? no, you're using
the us version with a French (Canadian) language. Want more proof ? Go to
Start->Help, select the index tab and type "colour" into the edit box at
the top, now try "color", see the online help is still in English
	Basically, all you do when you set up the operating system and application
language is determine how stuff like numbers and dates are shown and what
spelling checker dictionary is used you don't actually change the
nationality the OS or app.

Scott Hill
Sco### [at] DDLinkscouk
Software Engineer (and all round nice guy)
Author of Pandora's Box
Company homepage : http://www.ddlinks.demon.co.uk

"The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing people he didn't
								- Verbal Kint.

"the Internet is here so we can waste time talking about nothing in 
 particular when we should be working" - Marcus Hill.

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