POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Twyst and twysted.net : Re: Twyst and twysted.net Server Time
23 Feb 2025 12:52:59 EST (-0500)
  Re: Twyst and twysted.net  
From: Eric
Date: 1 Oct 1998 15:36:23
Message: <01bddf1b$cf535d20$15efebd0@debbiemi>
That just goes to prove my point.

His statement is that he IS associated with that organization as "assistant
webmaster" for the Pov-ray page.  Is he lying?

And moreover, my message was one of warning to people that were unaware of
the risks they ran when associating with the #povray channel.


Thorsten Froehlich <fro### [at] charliecnsiitedu> wrote in article
> In article <01bdddf9$5e2f5f40$24efebd0@debbiemi> , "Eric"
<eri### [at] geocitiescom> wrote:
> >I can't understand why an organization like Pov-ray would want to be
> >to a criminal like Twyst.   Perhaps they enjoy him trying to take the
> >spotlight away from the Pov organization and putting it on himself with
> >such antics as releasing the new Pov-ray release on HIS web page before
> >proper release date.
> It was available on the POVRAY Forum for the public without limitations.
> >If a person like this is allowed to be part of the Pov-ray organization,
> >what does that say about the organization itself?
> Hmm, I did not know that he is a member...
> I cannot quote on any other topics because I don't know about them.
> Thorsten
> ____________________________________________________
> Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany

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