POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Twyst and twysted.net : Re: Twyst and twysted.net Server Time
23 Feb 2025 12:38:03 EST (-0500)
  Re: Twyst and twysted.net  
From: Eric
Date: 1 Oct 1998 15:34:27
Message: <01bddf1b$87cb4a80$15efebd0@debbiemi>
Once again, another Pov-ray op trying to defend the criminal activities of
Twyst.  What everyone must realize is that the argument between Twyst and I
erupted out of the fact that I was trying to help a new user.  Twyst made
that almost impossible with his incessant "script" tests.

Continue to support Twyst and his criminal activities, meanwhile I will
continue to tell people of the risk that they run to their property if they
associate with the #povray channels.

As for a lawsuit, i would enjoy the challenge, and due to the provable loss
that I had due to Twyst's actions, I intend to pursue any and all actions
against Twyst.

Now, everyone can be aware of what to expect from people such as you all.



Ron Parker <par### [at] my-dejanewscom> wrote in article
> On 30 Sep 1998 03:57:17 -0500, Eric <eri### [at] geocitiescom> wrote:
> >In truth, no one ever talked about Pov-ray which was the whole reason i
> >gone there to begin with.  So, the channel WAS being lame for never
> >discussing Pov.
> Um... yeah, the regulars don't discuss POV 24 hours a day, 7 days 
> a week.  That has to do with having discussed every part of it we 
> care about.  Considering we've been talking about it constantly for
> years now, you'd think we'd have no more to say, but we still talk
> about POV most of the time.
> Even when the current discussion is off-topic, if a new user comes by 
> and wants to know what the channel is about, or what POV is about, or 
> has a POV question, I've never seen anyone, including Twyst, not jump 
> right up to answer the question in a helpful and supportive manner.  
> Even when it's always the same question (where can I find some cool 
> raytraced pictures) we never get tired of answering it, because we know 
> we just got one more person hooked on POV.
> >I can't understand why an organization like Pov-ray would want to be
> >to a criminal like Twyst.   Perhaps they enjoy him trying to take the
> >spotlight away from the Pov organization and putting it on himself with
> >such antics as releasing the new Pov-ray release on HIS web page before
> >proper release date.
> Actually, my understanding is that official build had been released on
> Compuserve prior to both Twyst and McLilith (yes, Twyst wasn't the only 
> one who prereleased the official build) putting it on their websites.
> I also understand that there was no language in the Compuserve release
> preventing further distribution.  That being the case, they weren't 
> violating any license agreements or doing anything else wrong by 
> providing a place for the Internet community to download it.  True,
> they obviously have more time for website maintenance than the POV-Team
> does, but maybe that's why the POV-Team is looking for help.  Would you
> begrudge them the assistance of someone who has both the time and the
> motivation to keep povray.org up-to-date, just because you think he
> nuked you and may have incidentally caused your obviously already
> windows installation to self-destruct?
> >As of recently, i have once again been "allowed" back into the #povray
> >channels on Dalnet.  After learning of the Internet Movie Project, I
> >working with another #povray channel regular named Restil on trying to
> >complete the first "test" run laid out by the scripting team.  That
> >animation has been completed and has only to be encoded into a player,
> >which is a huge step for Pov-ray and for the Internet Movie Project
> >I am sure that more will be forth coming from Restil about this to the
> >I am responsible only for the sun texture and the programming of the
> >flare, using the lens flare include, produced by Chris Colefax.  And in
> >some small part for making the topic an active one in the minds of
> >regulars.
> Might I point out the the IMP has its own channel?  As one of the #povray

> channel regulars, I can tell you that I got tired of people making that 
> topic active in my mind long before you showed up. For those who didn't 
> hear: #povray is not the IMP channel. IMP is off-topic in #povray.
> But you know what?  The ops don't try to stop IMP or any other off-topic 
> thing from being discussed in #povray.  We'll let any discussion take
> place, because it's a community first and an informative channel second, 
> and all work and no play makes #povray a dull place.  And as ops, we know
> that the surest way to make people go find another channel is to enforce 
> the rules to the point where nobody can breathe without being off-topic.
> >I'm sorry, but my temperament won't let me live with such provincial
> >attitudes as this, in a forum that should be free speech. 
> Oh, come on now.  IRC isn't about free speech.  The only free speech
> of IRC is that ANYONE can op their own channel, and can do just about 
> whatever they want in it.  But the ops completely rule the channel.  It's
> not OUR channel.  It's the ops' channel, and they graciously let us use
> it.  That's true of any channel, and if you've really been on IRC as long
> as you claim you have, you surely know that #povray is one of the 
> best-behaved channels on IRC in that respect.
> >I have started a new channel on Dalnet, Undernet, Newnet and Efnet
> >#povray2.  If you would like to REALLY discuss Pov-ray or problems you
> >having with it, or would like to REALLY get an Internet Movie Project
> >going, come, you will be welcome.
> Good luck.  As for me, I think I'll stay on #povray.  I like the people 
> there and I know that we discuss POV all the time.  I also know that no
> channel on IRC stays on topic all the time, unless the ops crack the 
> whip.  Maybe I'll stop by in a couple of months and see just how on-topic
> your channel is, if it still exists.
> There is another channel on IRC where you can talk to your heart's
> content about POV, the IMP, BMRT, Radiance, or any other rendering 
> stuff. It's #render, and Twyst isn't an op there.  I own the Newnet 
> channel, Nite_Hawk owns the EFNet channel, and IR owns the DALnet 
> channel. They're not currently linked by bots, as the bots that were 
> linking them are now the backups for #povray, but they could be 
> linked again if there was any interest.  But despite lots of shameless 
> publicity, there's never been anyone in any of those channels except 
> the ops. I think that says something for how much people like #povray.
> Why was #render founded?  Because Nite_Hawk and I thought the things
> we were discussing (Panorama, Radiance, BMRT) were off-topic for 
> #povray, so we decided to get some of that traffic off the POV channel.
> Guess what - it didn't work.  People wanted to discuss it in the POV
> channel.  Let me say that again, because it's important: the ops in
> #povray tried to move some of the off-topic conversation out of the
> channel by providing a productive alternative, and IT DIDN'T WORK
> because the channel regulars didn't go along with it.  Sounds like 
> a real monarchy to me.  Those ops must be gods.
> >As for me, i will have no more dealings with the #povray channels, or
> >twysted.net as long as they are run by criminals like Twyst.
> Restil owns the machine twysted.net resides on.  He's also an op on 
> #povray.  Does that make him a criminal?  Seems to me you just said 
> it does.  Will you have no more dealings with him?
> I'm an op on Newnet #povray, and the administrator of twysted.net's 
> PatchStation. I'm not a criminal. Looks like you just said I am.  I 
> should bring suit against you for either slander or libel, whichever 
> is appropriate for this forum.  But then, I can get over it without 
> making a big production, so I probably won't be calling my lawyer
> today.

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