POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Twyst and twysted.net : Twyst and twysted.net Server Time
23 Feb 2025 12:24:07 EST (-0500)
  Twyst and twysted.net  
From: Eric
Date: 30 Sep 1998 04:57:17
Message: <01bdddf9$5e2f5f40$24efebd0@debbiemi>
Just thought i would drop a little line about a character called Twyst.

I recently in the last few months became a Pov-ray user.  I enjoy the
Also, i have been on irc chat networks for the last couple of years so i
immediately went looking for a chat room for pov on irc.
I found one.

It is on Dalnet and it is called #povray.

After spending sometime there and seeing the usual one or 2 people stopping
by in the channel, i innocently made the comment in the channel one day
that the channel was being lame.

I never knew what a kettle that stirred up.

One of the ops, Twyst, decided that he didn't like that comment and chose
to ban me from the channel for such a minor infraction.
In truth, no one ever talked about Pov-ray which was the whole reason i had
gone there to begin with.  So, the channel WAS being lame for never
discussing Pov.

I got quite upset over being banned, ill admit.  Even went as far as to
repeat a certain curse word in private message to Twyst, for I could NOT
understand what kind of ego would have someone banning one of the FEW
constant supporters of the channel.  
The next thing i knew, my computer froze up and i had to reboot.  But not
before a little program called Nuke Nabber told me that Twyst was nuking
me.  For anyone that doesn't know, Windows 95 has a few small problems with
it's internet protocols. I can't really explain it but, it's illegal and
can be very damaging.   You can learn more about it at
http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/nuke/ .

When i tried to reboot my computer, scandisk ran because Windows had not
been properly shut down. Scandisk found big time problems with my hard
drive because of the Windows crash.  After Scandisk finished trying to
repair everything, Windows would no longer run.  I lost everything on my
hard drive, had to reformat and reinstall everything.

Now, let me explain to you that nuking is illegal and totally uncalled for
under any circumstances.  I learned this week that Twyst has come on board
www.povray.org as the "assistant webmaster".

I can't understand why an organization like Pov-ray would want to be linked
to a criminal like Twyst.   Perhaps they enjoy him trying to take the
spotlight away from the Pov organization and putting it on himself with
such antics as releasing the new Pov-ray release on HIS web page before the
proper release date.  Or turning supposed Pov-ray channels on irc into his
own PERSONAL playgrounds where he can play God.

If a person like this is allowed to be part of the Pov-ray organization,
what does that say about the organization itself?

In Twyst's twysted world, free speech does not reign, only his twysted
sense of himself as God of Pov.  Pov is about all of us that use it, not
about one individual.

Do you want to use a program that's associated with criminals, yes,
criminals (once again, nuke attacks are illegal and the incident was quite
painful for me, because of damage done to my pc), like Twyst?

As of recently, i have once again been "allowed" back into the #povray
channels on Dalnet.  After learning of the Internet Movie Project, I began
working with another #povray channel regular named Restil on trying to
complete the first "test" run laid out by the scripting team.  That
animation has been completed and has only to be encoded into a player, now,
which is a huge step for Pov-ray and for the Internet Movie Project team. 
I am sure that more will be forth coming from Restil about this to the IMP.
I am responsible only for the sun texture and the programming of the lens
flare, using the lens flare include, produced by Chris Colefax.  And in
some small part for making the topic an active one in the minds of channel

Tonight,  while i was trying to help some of the new users to "our"
channel, Twyst in normal fashion, was interrupting the conversation with
lines from his Mirc script.  Only a month ago, i had been told not to do
this and had complied readily.  When i asked Twyst why he could do it and
no one else, he replied that he was an OP.  He could do what he pleased as
rank came with priviledge.

I'm sorry, but my temperament won't let me live with such provincial
attitudes as this, in a forum that should be free speech.  I really had not
so much problem with Twyst's script "tests" as the fact that 1.  I had been
scolded for this.  2.  It had nothing to do with Pov-ray, the topic for our
channel.  There were new people, people that we should cradle in our arms
and say Welcome to our channel, welcome to the world of Pov-ray, what can
we do to help get you started.  But, in honesty, this is the constant curse
we must endure.

I have started a new channel on Dalnet, Undernet, Newnet and Efnet called
#povray2.  If you would like to REALLY discuss Pov-ray or problems you are
having with it, or would like to REALLY get an Internet Movie Project
going, come, you will be welcome.

As for me, i will have no more dealings with the #povray channels, or
twysted.net as long as they are run by criminals like Twyst.



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