POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : re Lissajous figures : re Lissajous figures Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:10:13 EST (-0500)
  re Lissajous figures  
From: mick
Date: 6 Sep 1998 07:09:27
Message: <01bdd97e$69b331e0$a34aa8c2@wphnvffu>
Great little utility Peter

Took the liberty of abusing it

When I was a kid I remember feeding two signal generators into an

So I modified yor code to do that

#declare coeff2_X = ?; // where ? is any number multiples of coeff_X work
and add

+ sin(2*pi*(dummy+phase_X)*coeff2_X),



to get

<sin(2*pi*(dummy+phase_X)*coeff_X) + sin(2*pi*(dummy+phase_X)*coeff2_X),

Gives some amazing patterns

Have Fun

Mick Hazelgrove

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