F.VERBAAS <106120,444### [at] COMPUSERVE COM> wrote in article
> Hello all,
> Does anyone have an idea how to suggest motion in a scene?
> I am trying to make a still scene showing a steam engine at work. I want
> suggest a motion blur on the flywheel and the crackshaft, and probably on
> the transmission belt.
> Any ideas or examples?
> Frans
Yeah, render a short animation showing the moving parts of your scene
moving as they would over a very short period of time. How much each object
moves is dependant on how fast you want them to appear to be moving. Then,
when you've rendered the animation average all the frames together into a
single file. There are many utilities and image manipulation apps about
that'll do the averaging, DTA (Daves Targa Animator) springs to mind, I
don't have a URL for it, but I _think_ it's on ftp.povray.org.
Scott Hill
Sco### [at] DDLinks co uk
Software Engineer (and all round nice guy)
Company homepage : http://www.ddlinks.demon.co.uk
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