POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.windows : Questions - batch files in POVWIN 3.02 : Questions - batch files in POVWIN 3.02 Server Time
25 Feb 2025 04:33:38 EST (-0500)
  Questions - batch files in POVWIN 3.02  
From: Henry G  Chatroop
Date: 15 Jul 1998 02:24:16
Message: <01bdafb0$b5be62a0$050000c0@hydra5>

Is there any way to set up a batch file to run in the Windows version of
POVRAY (v3.02). I am trying to create a batch file to run povray on a
number of UNRELATED files (ie. not an animation). I know it can be done in
the MSDOS version but I would rather not have to set that one up again as
well as having the Windows version ( and besides it keeps telling me I
don't have enough XMS memory etc - which is not surprising since I am
running Windows 95!).

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.


Interested in the applications of technology; past, present and future -
especially unusual [hen### [at] zipcomau]

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