Ron Parker wrote:
>contained in the povwin_src\windows\codemax dir
of the source archive
Quoting the README-BEFORE-UNZIPPING.TXT file from that directory:
-where - I looked in
& all the
reademe files in
and CANNOT find the file README-BEFORE-UNZIPPING.TXT or the below mentioned
This means that you will NOT be able to compile this project.
You are not meant to be able to.
The CodeMax VCL component is internal to the POV-Team and
has not yet been released (and probably never will be). It depends
on the presence of the header files, also.
Note that you MAY NOT re-use any of this code anywhere else.
The reason I ask is:
1 - To be able to add syntax highlighting for new keywords such as
"photons" & "noise3d" etc. would be useful.
2 - I have started a patch (for the windows & possibly other GUI
platforms) that keeps options & objects & textures & media
etc. in memory between renders, thereby eliminating parsing time altogether,
which I crave to be able to do, esp. when modifying one number such as
x translation of an object or parts of a colour or pigment map.
It basically takes persistent variables to another level and it will?
be able to convert scenes back and forth from text to memory - it (when
it gets off the ground) will use a tree, a properties window and several
"link" objects (which I am currently developing in a testbed) to represent
a scene as it is in memory graphically. The strategy so far is
1- when converting to the GUI format to
parse the scene - Done thanks to the POV Team
duplicate the scene from the global Frame
& opts structs into another
pair of Frame & opts
structs (specific to the current scene) - in progress
2 - when rendering to
skip parsing - in progress
duplicate the scene back to the global one - in
render as usual - Done thanks to the POV Team
3 - converting back to text to
do some kind of reverse parse - in progress
free the memory - in progress (will use destroy
functions from the povsrc core)
The reason for all this duplication is that I can't be bothered &
am too lazy to go through the core looking for functions referring to the
Frame & opts
structs and modifying them to use a pointer to these passed to them as
a parameter.
The ability to build cmedit.dll would allow a "link bed" control to
be put in place of the CodeMax control.
I guess I'll have to do some thinking & devious message sending
or just create 2 tab windows - 1 for CodeMax controls & 1 for my "link
bed" controls and switch between using a menu or toolbar command.
which compiler/s are the following lines specific to
#include <vcl.h> - standard compiler header ??
#pragma package(smart_init)
#pragma resource "*.dfm"
Bye -Pabs