Francois ,
    I've tried to mail you but can,t seem to get through.  So I'm hoping you are reading this news group.  (Sorry to everyone else)

    Thanks for your help.  That's quite the scene you sent me and I must say I
was impressed with your other renderings on your home page as well.

    Just for your information, I rendered the  scene with the following

command line:   povray -ibiere.pov +A0.2 +V +W800 +H600

Time:  60 hours 21 min 48sec   (The machine was doing nothing else)

   Dec 21164PC
    64 Meg
    OS windows NT 4.0  service pack 3
(If your wondering, this machine retails for around $2000 US  (But It's not mine))

    When I get a chance, I'll try it on the bigger machines and eventualy on
multiple nodes using pvmpov and Linux.

Thanks again,
