#version 3.7; global_settings {assumed_gamma 1.0} #default{ finish{ ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9 }} #include "colors.inc" light_source { <100,1000,-1000>, White} camera { location <0,-1,-16> right x*image_width/image_height angle 35 look_at <0,-1,0> } plane{-z,-10 pigment{checker color rgb<1,1,1>*0.8 color rgb<1,1,1>} } #declare Mesh= mesh2{ vertex_vectors{ 14 <-1, -1, -1>, < 1, -1, -1>, <-1, 1, -1>, < 1, 1, -1>, <-1, -1, 1>, < 1, -1, 1>, <-1, 1, 1>, < 1, 1, 1>, -1.5*x, 1.5*x, -1.5*y, 1.5*y, -1.5*z, 1.5*z, } face_indices{ 24, <8,0,2>, <8,0,4>, <8,6,2>, <8,6,4>, <9,1,3>, <9,1,5>, <9,7,3>, <9,7,5>, <10,0,1>, <10,0,4>, <10,5,1>, <10,5,4>, <11,2,3>, <11,2,6>, <11,7,3>, <11,7,6>, <12,0,1>, <12,0,2>, <12,3,1>, <12,3,2>, <13,4,5>, <13,4,6>, <13,7,5>, <13,7,6> } } object { Mesh texture { pigment { color rgb <0.8, 0.8, 0.2> } } translate 3*x +y } #declare String=concat("#Vertex : ",str(get_vertex_count(Mesh),3,0), "\n#Normal : ",str(get_normal_count(Mesh),3,0), "\n#triangles : ",str(get_triangle_count(Mesh),3,0), "\n\nFourth Triangle\nindex of vertex #",vstr(3,get_vertex_indices(Mesh,3),", #",1,0), "\nindex of normal #",vstr(3,get_normal_indices(Mesh,3),", #",2,0), "\n\nTenth vertex = <",vstr(3,get_vertex(Mesh,9),",",2,3), ">\n\nTenth normal = <",vstr(3,get_normal(Mesh,9),",",2,3), ">\n"); galley{internal 3, String, <0.3,1,0>, <40,-1,0> pigment{Red*0.7} scale 1/2 translate -4.5*x+1*y } text{ internal 1, "Mesh Info", 0.3, 0 pigment{Blue*0.7} translate -4.5*x+1.5*y }