// This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. // To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a // letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA. // Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer version 3.6 / 3.7 Include File // file: shapes3.inc // author: Friedrich A. Lohmueller, March-2013 // // Update: Dec-2013 - Corrected wrong rotation in 'Round_Pyramid_N_in'. // // Description: This file contains macros for working with object shapes, // as well as macros for creating shapes of special geometric objects. // // Segments of shapes // #macro Segment_of_Object ( Segment_Object, Segment_Angle) // #macro Segment_of_CylinderRing ( R_out, R_in, Height, Segment_Angle) // #macro Segment_of_Torus ( R_major, R_minor, Segment_Angle) // // Angular shapes // #macro Column_N (N, Radius_in, Height ) // #macro Column_N_AB (N, A, B, R_in) // #macro Pyramid_N (N, Radius_in_1, Radius_in_2, Height ) // #macro Pyramid_N_AB(N, A, R_in_A, B, R_in_B) // // Facetted shapes // #declare Egg (uses #macro Egg_Shape) // #macro Facetted_Sphere (Quarter_Segments, Radial_Segments) // #macro Facetted_Egg_Shape (Quarter_Segments, Radial_Segments, Lower_Scale, Upper_Scale) // #macro Facetted_Egg(N_Quarter_Segments, N_Radial_Segments) // // Round shape // #macro Egg_Shape (Lower_Scale, Upper_Scale) // // Wireframe shape // #macro Ring_Sphere (Rmaj_H, Rmaj_V, Rmin_H, Rmin_V, Number_of_Rings_horizontal, Number_of_Rings_vertical) // // Rounded shapes // #macro Round_Pyramid_N_out (N, A, CornerR_out_A, B, CornerR_out_B, R_Border, Filled, Merge ) // #macro Round_Pyramid_N_in (N, A, FaceR_in_A, B, FaceR_in_B, R_Border, Filled, Merge_On ) // // #macro Round_Cylinder_Tube( A, B, R_major, R_minor, Filled, Merge) // #macro Rounded_Tube( R_out, R_in, R_Border, Height, Merge) // #macro Rounded_Tube_AB( A, B, R_out, R_in, R_Border, Merge) // // #macro Round_Conic_Torus( Center_Distance, R_upper, R_lower, R_Border, Merge) // #macro Round_Conic_Prism( Center_Distance, R_upper, R_lower, Length_Zminus, R_Border, Merge) // #macro Half_Hollowed_Rounded_Cylinder1( Length, R_out, R_border, BorderScale, Merge) // #macro Half_Hollowed_Rounded_Cylinder2( Length, R_out, R_corner, R_border, BorderScale, Merge) // // #macro Round_N_Tube_Polygon (N, Tube_R, R_incircle, Edge_R, Filled, Merge) // // // // // // -------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef( Shapes3_Inc_Temp) #declare Shapes3_Inc_Temp = version; #version 3.6; #ifdef(View_POV_Include_Stack) #debug "including shapes3.inc\n" #end #ifndef ( SHAPES_INC_TEMP) //Shapes_Inc_Temp) #include "shapes.inc" #end #ifndef ( TRANSFORMS_INC_TEMP ) #include "transforms.inc" #end #ifndef ( MATH_INC_TEMP ) #include "math.inc" #end #ifndef ( STRINGS_INC_TEMP) #include "strings.inc" #end // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------<<< macro Segment_of_Object() #macro Segment_of_Object ( SEgment_OBject, Segment_Angle_) // cuts out a segment of an shape object radial around y axis // starting with the +x direction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #local D = 0.000001; // just a little bit #local Segment_Angle = Segment_Angle_; #if (Segment_Angle = 0) #local Segment_Angle = D; #end #if (abs(Segment_Angle) >= 360) #local Segment_Angle = mod (Segment_Angle, 360); #end #local O_min = min_extent ( SEgment_OBject ); #local O_max = max_extent ( SEgment_OBject ); #local O_max_x = max (O_min.x, O_max.x); #local O_max_z = max (O_min.z, O_max.z); #local R_max = 1.5*max(O_max_x,O_max_z); #if (Segment_Angle > 0) #local Box_z = R_max+D; #else #local Box_z = -R_max+D; #end intersection{ object{ SEgment_OBject } #if (abs(Segment_Angle) >= 180) merge{ #end // then use merge! box { <-R_max+D,O_min.y-D,0>,< R_max+D, O_max.y+D,-Box_z> rotate<0,0,0> }// end of box box { <-R_max+D,O_min.y-D, Box_z>,< R_max+D, O_max.y+D,0> rotate<0, Segment_Angle,0> }// end of box #if (abs(Segment_Angle) >= 180) } // end of merge #end // end of merge, if merge is used! } // end of intersection #end // end of macro -----------------------------------<<< end of macro Segment_of_Object() // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------<<< macro Segment_of_CylinderRing() #macro Segment_of_CylinderRing ( R_out, R_in, Height, Segment_Angle_) // ------------------------------ #local D = 0.000001; // just a little bit #local R_o = R_out; #local R_i = R_in; #local H = Height; #local Segment_Angle = Segment_Angle_; #if (H = 0 ) #local H = D; #end #if (H < 0 ) #local D = -D; #end #if (R_o < R_i) #local X=R_o; #local R_o=R_i; #local R_i=X; #end #if (R_i <= 0) #local R_i = D; #end #if (Segment_Angle < 0) #local Negativ_Flag = 1; #local Segment_Angle = -Segment_Angle; #else #local Negativ_Flag = 0; #end #if (Segment_Angle >= 360) #local Segment_Angle = mod (Segment_Angle, 360); #end intersection{ cylinder { <0,0,0>,<0,H,0>, R_o } // end of outer cylinder ---------- cylinder { <0,-D,0>,<0,H+D,0>, R_i inverse } // end of inner cylinder ---------- #if (Segment_Angle > 0) // ------------------------------------------------------ #if (Segment_Angle >= 180) merge{ #end // then use merge! box { <-R_o+D,-D,0>,< R_o+D, H+D, R_o+D> rotate<0,0,0> }// end of box box { <-R_o+D,-D,-R_o+D>,< R_o+D, H+D,0> rotate<0, Segment_Angle,0> }// end of box #if (Segment_Angle >= 180) } // end of merge #end // end of merge, if merge is used! #if (Negativ_Flag = 1) rotate<0,-Segment_Angle,0> #end scale<-1,1,-1> #end // of "#if (Segment_Angle > 0)" -------------------------------------------- } // end of intersection #end // end of macro -----------------------------<<< end of macro Segment_of_CylinderRing() // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------<<< macro Segment_of_Torus() #macro Segment_of_Torus ( R_major_, R_minor_, Segment_Angle_) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #local D = 0.000001; #local R_major = R_major_; #local R_minor = R_minor_; #local Segment_Angle = Segment_Angle_; #if (Segment_Angle < 0) #local Negativ_Flag = 1; #local Segment_Angle = -Segment_Angle; #else #local Negativ_Flag = 0; #end #if (Segment_Angle > 360) #local Segment_Angle = mod(Segment_Angle,360); #end intersection{ torus { R_major, R_minor sturm } #if (Segment_Angle > 180) merge{ #end // use merge! box { <-1,-1,0>,<1,1,1> scale < R_major+R_minor+D, R_minor+D, R_major+R_minor+D> }// end of box box { <-1,-1,-1>,<1,1,0> scale < R_major+R_minor+D, R_minor+D, R_major+R_minor+D> rotate < 0,-Segment_Angle,0 > }// end of box #if (Segment_Angle > 180) } #end // end of merge, if merge is used! #if (Negativ_Flag = 0) rotate<0,Segment_Angle,0> #end } // end of intersection #end // end of macro Torus_Segment( ... ) --------------<<< end of macro Segment_of_Torus() // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ///////// //----------------------------------------------------- Round_Tube_Polygon_N (...) macro #macro Round_N_Tube_Polygon( // A round polygon tube ring with N corners, filled or not! N_in, // number of corners Tube_R_in, // tube radius Base_Width_in, // R_incircle (center to edge middle) Corner_R_in, // corner torus segment major radius Filled, // 1 = filled, 0 = ring, filling percentage Merge_On // 0 = union, 1 = merge ) //----------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #local D = 0.000001; // just a little bit //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // check inputs: #local Corner_R = abs(Corner_R_in); #local Base_Width = abs(Base_Width_in); #if (Corner_R > Base_Width) #local Corner_R=Base_Width; #debug concat( "Attention: Corner radius > base width. Set corner radius = base width !","\n") #end #local N = N_in; #if (int(N) != N ) #local N = int(N); #debug concat( "Attention: Number of corners should be an integer!","\n") #debug concat( " Number of corners set to int(number of corners)","\n") #end #if (N < 3 ) #local N = 3; #debug concat( "Attention: Number of corners should be > 3. Set mumber of corners to 3 !","\n") #end #local Tube_R = Tube_R_in; #if (Tube_R <= 0 ) #if (abs(Tube_R)<= 0.00001 ) #local Tube_R = 0.00001; #else #local Tube_R = abs(Tube_R); #end #debug concat( "Attention: Tube radius should > 0.00001. Tube radius set to max( abs(tube radius), 0.00001) !","\n") #debug concat( " This could be unvisible in this scene !","\n") #end // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #local Edge_Angle = 360/N ; #local Linear_Half_Len = (Base_Width-Corner_R)*tan(radians(Edge_Angle/2)); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #local Edge_Part = #if( Filled > 0) #if( Merge_On = 1 ) merge{ #else union{ #end // #if(Merge_On = 1 ) #end // #if(Filled > 0) object{ Segment_of_Torus( Corner_R, Tube_R, -Edge_Angle) rotate<-90,0,0> translate } // end of Torus_Segment(...) #if( Filled > 0) cylinder{ <0,0,-Tube_R*Filled>,<0,0,Tube_R*Filled>, Corner_R translate } }// end union or merge #end // #if(Filled > 0) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if (Corner_R != Base_Width) #local Linear_Part = #if( Filled > 0) #if( Merge_On = 1 ) merge{ #else union{ #end // #if(Merge_On = 1 ) #end // #if(Filled > 0) cylinder { <0,-Linear_Half_Len-D,0>,<0,Linear_Half_Len+D,0>,Tube_R scale <1,1,1> rotate<0,0,0> translate } // end of cylinder #if( Filled > 0) // linear prism in z-direction: from ,to ,number of points (first = last) prism{ -Tube_R*Filled-D ,Tube_R*Filled+D , 6 <-D, 0.00>, // first point < Base_Width-Corner_R-D,-Linear_Half_Len-D>, < Base_Width ,-Linear_Half_Len-D>, < Base_Width , Linear_Half_Len+D>, < Base_Width-Corner_R-D, Linear_Half_Len+D>, <-D, 0.00> // last point = first point!!!! rotate<-90,0,0> scale<1,1,-1> //turns prism in z direction! Don't change this line! } // end of prism -------------------------------------------------------- }// end union or merge #end // #if(Filled_On = 1) #end // #if (Corner_R != Base_Width) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if (Corner_R != Base_Width) #local One_Segment = #if(Merge_On = 1 ) merge{ #else union{ #end object {Linear_Part} object {Edge_Part} translate<0,0,0> } // end union or merge #else #local One_Segment = object {Edge_Part} #end //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // final union or merge #if(Merge_On = 1 ) merge{ #else union{ #end #local Nr = 0; // start #local EndNr = N; // end #while (Nr< EndNr) object{One_Segment rotate<0,0,Nr * 360/EndNr>} #local Nr = Nr + 1; // next Nr #end // --------------- end of loop } // end union or merge // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #end// of macro ------------------------------------------------------// end of macro // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------<<< macro Pyramid_N() #macro Pyramid_N (N, Radius1, Radius2, Height ) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #local D= 0.000001; // a little bit to avoid coincident surfaces in intersection intersection{ #local Nr = 0; // start #local EndNr = N; // end #while (Nr< EndNr) // linear prism in z-direction: from ,to ,number of points (first = last) prism { -2.00 ,2.00 , 5 <-2.00, 0.00-Nr*D>, < 1.00,0.00-Nr*D>, < 0.00+Radius2/Radius1,1.00+Nr*D>, <-2.00,1.00+Nr*D>, <-2.00,0.00-Nr*D> rotate<-90,0,0> scale<1,1,-1> //turns prism in z direction! scale rotate<0,Nr * 360/EndNr,0> } // end of prism ------------------------------------------------------------- #local Nr = Nr + 1; // next Nr #end // ---------------- end of loop } // end of intersection #end // ---------------------------<<< end of macro Pyramid_N (N, Radius1, Radius2, Height ) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -----------------------------------------------------------------<<< macro Pyramid_N_AB() #macro Pyramid_N_AB (N, Point_A, Radius_A, Point_B, Radius_B ) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #local A = Point_A; #local B = Point_B; #local AB = B-A; #local H = vlength( AB); // pyramid height; object{ Pyramid_N ( N, Radius_A, Radius_B, H ) Reorient_Trans(< 0,1,0>, AB ) // needs "transforms.inc": translate A } // #end // -------------<<< end of macro Pyramid_N_AB(N, Point_A, Radius_A, Point_B, Radius_B ) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------<<< macro Column_N() #macro Column_N (N, Radius, Height ) //------------------------------------------------------------------ object{ Pyramid_N (N, Radius, Radius, Height ) } #end // -------------------------------------<<< end of macro N_Column (N, Radius, Height ) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -----------------------------------------------------------------<<< macro Column_N_AB() #macro Column_N_AB (N, Point_A, Point_B, Radius ) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #local A = Point_A; #local B = Point_B; #local AB = B-A; #local H = vlength( AB); // pyramid height; object{ Pyramid_N ( N, Radius, Radius, H ) Reorient_Trans(< 0,1,0>, AB ) // needs "transforms.inc": translate A } // #end // --------------------------<<< end of macro Column_N_AB(N, Point_A, Point_B, Radius ) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------<<< macro Egg_Shape() #macro Egg_Shape (Lower_Scale, Upper_Scale) // // ------------------------------------------------------------ #local Egg_Lower_Part = difference { sphere{<0,0,0>,1 scale<1,Lower_Scale,1>} box{<-1,0,-1>,<1,Lower_Scale,1>} } //--------------------------------------- #local Egg_Upper_Part = difference { sphere {<0,0,0>,1 scale<1,Upper_Scale,1>} box {<-1,-Upper_Scale,-1>,<1,0,1>} }//--------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------- merge { object {Egg_Upper_Part} object {Egg_Lower_Part} translate<0,Lower_Scale,0> scale 2/(Lower_Scale+Upper_Scale) } // end of merge ------------------------------------ #end //---------------------------------------------------------<<< end of macro Egg_Shape() // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------- shape of simple egg: object Egg #declare Egg = object { Egg_Shape (1.15,1.55)} // ---------------------------------------------------------------<<< end of the object Egg // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------<<< macro Facetted_Sphere() #macro Facetted_Sphere (Quarter_Meridian_Segments, Equatorial_Segments) #local Facets_Silhouette = prism { -2 ,2 , 2*Quarter_Meridian_Segments+4 < -2,-1.00>, #local Nr = -Quarter_Meridian_Segments; #local EndNr = Quarter_Meridian_Segments; #while (Nr< EndNr+1) #local Angle_degrees = Nr* 90/EndNr; #local Angle_radians = radians(Angle_degrees); < cos(Angle_radians) , sin(Angle_radians)>, #local Nr = Nr + 1 ; #end < -2, 1>, < -2,-1> rotate<-90,0,0> scale<1,1,-1> //turns prism in z direction! } // end of prism object ---------------------------------- intersection{ #local Nr = 0; // start #local EndNr = Equatorial_Segments; // end #while (Nr< EndNr) object{ Facets_Silhouette rotate<0,Nr * 360/EndNr,0>} #local Nr = Nr + 1; // next Nr #end // --------------- end of loop } // end of intersection #end // --------------------------------------------------<<< end of macro Facetted_Sphere() // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -----------------------------------------------------------<<< macro Facetted_Egg_Shape() #macro Facetted_Egg_Shape (Quarter_Segments, Radial_Segments, Lower_Scale, Upper_Scale) //Facettierte_Kugel (Viertelskreis_Teilung, Radial_Teilung) #local Facets_Silhouette = union{ prism { -2 ,2 , Quarter_Segments +4 < -2,-1.00>, #local Nr = -Quarter_Segments; #local EndNr = 0; #while (Nr< EndNr+1) #local Angle_degrees = Nr* 90/Quarter_Segments; #local Angle_radians = radians(Angle_degrees); < cos (Angle_radians) , sin (Angle_radians)> , #local Nr = Nr + 1 ; #end < -2, 0>, < -2,-1.00> rotate<-90,0,0> scale<1,1,-1> //turns prism in z direction! Don't change this line! scale<1,Lower_Scale,1> } // end of prism object ---------------------------------------------------------- prism { -2 ,2 , Quarter_Segments+4 < -2, 0>, #local Nr = 0; #local EndNr = Quarter_Segments; #while (Nr< EndNr+1) #local Angle_degrees = Nr* 90/Quarter_Segments; #local Angle_radians = radians(Angle_degrees); < cos (Angle_radians) , sin (Angle_radians)> , #local Nr = Nr + 1 ; #end < -2, 1>, < -2, 0> rotate<-90,0,0> scale<1,1,-1> //turns prism in z direction! scale<1,Upper_Scale,1> } // end of prism object ------------------------------------------- }// end of union intersection{ #local Nr = 0; // start #local EndNr = Radial_Segments; // end #while (Nr< EndNr) object{ Facets_Silhouette rotate<0,Nr * 360/EndNr,0>} #local Nr = Nr + 1; // next Nr #end // --------------- end of loop } // end of intersection #end // ----------------------------------------------------<<<< end of macro Facetted_Egg() // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -----------------------------------------------------------------<<< macro Facetted_Egg() #macro Facetted_Egg(N_Quarter_Segments, N_Radial_Segments) object{ Facetted_Egg_Shape(N_Quarter_Segments, N_Radial_Segments, 1.15, 1.55) translate < 0, 1.15, 0> scale 2/(1.15 + 1.55) } #end //------------------------------------------------------------<< 0) & (Number_of_Rings_horizontal > 0)) #local RingsH1 = union{ #local AngleD = 180/ (Number_of_Rings_horizontal+1); #local Nr = -90+AngleD; #local EndNr = 90; // --- start and end // Nr = value of the angle #while (Nr< EndNr) #local RingR = Rmaj_H*cos(radians(Nr)); //sqrt( pow(R0,2) - pow((Nr*HDiff),2) ); #local RingH = Rmaj_H*sin(radians(Nr)); torus{RingR,Rmin_H scale <1,1,1> rotate<0,0,0> translate<0, RingH,0>} #local Nr = Nr + AngleD; #end // --------------- end of loop } // ----------------- #end // of "#if ( (Rmin_H > 0) & (Number_of_Rings_horizontal > 0))" #if ((Rmin_V > 0) &(Number_of_Rings_vertical > 0)) #local RingsV1 = // longitudes union{ #local Nr = 0; #local EndNr = Number_of_Rings_vertical; // --- start and end #while (Nr< EndNr) torus{Rmaj_V-Rmin_V,Rmin_V scale <1,1,1> rotate<90,0,0> rotate<0, Nr*360/EndNr,0>} #local Nr = Nr + 1; #end // --------------- end of loop } // --------------------------------- #end // of "#if ((Rmin_V > 0) &(Number_of_Rings_vertical > 0))" union{ #if ((Rmin_H > 0) & (Number_of_Rings_horizontal > 0)) object{ RingsH1} #end #if ((Rmin_V > 0) & (Number_of_Rings_vertical > 0)) object{ RingsV1} #end sphere{<0, Rmaj_H,0>,Rmin_H} sphere{<0,-Rmaj_H,0>,Rmin_H} } #end // ------------------------------------------------------<<< end of macro Ring_Sphere() // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------<<< macro Round_Pyramid_N_in() #macro Round_Pyramid_N_in ( // radius of the incircle radius Number_of_Sidefaces, // >=3 Point_A, Radius_A_in, Point_B, Radius_B_in,// radii of edge middles (R_in_A,R_in_B) Wire_Radius, // border radius (Fill_On = 1) or wire radius ( Fill_On = 0 ) Fill_On, // 1 = filled, 0 = wireframe, Merge_On // 1 = use merge, 0 = use union ) // ------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------- // calculating the radius of the circumcircle: #local Half_Angle = 180/Number_of_Sidefaces; #local R_out_A = Radius_A_in*sqrt( 1 + pow(tan(radians(Half_Angle)),2) ) ; #local R_out_B = Radius_B_in*sqrt( 1 + pow(tan(radians(Half_Angle)),2) ) ; // ------------------------------------------------------------- object{ Round_Pyramid_N_out ( // used radius of the circumcircle Number_of_Sidefaces, // >=3 Point_A, R_out_A , Point_B, R_out_B,// radii of corner points (R_out_A,R_out_B) Wire_Radius, // border radius (Fill_On = 1) or wire radius ( Fill_On = 0 ) Fill_On, // 1 = filled, 0 = wireframe, Merge_On // 1 = use merge, 0 = use union ) // ------------------------------------------------- // translate -Point_A Axis_Rotate_Trans( Point_B- Point_A ,Half_Angle) translate Point_A } // end of object #end// -----------------------------------------------<<< end of macro Round_Pyramid_N_in() // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------<<< macro Round_Pyramid_N_out() #macro Round_Pyramid_N_out ( // used radius of the circumcircle Number_of_Sidefaces, // >=3 Point_A, Radius_A, Point_B, Radius_B,// radii of corner points (R_out_A,R_out_B) Wire_Radius, // border radius (Fill_On = 1) or wire radius ( Fill_On = 0 ) Fill_On, // 1 = filled, 0 = wireframe, Merge_On // 1 = use merge, 0 = use union ) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #local D = 0.000001; #local N = Number_of_Sidefaces; #local Rw = Wire_Radius; #local A = Point_A; #local B = Point_B; #local AB = B-A; #local Rc1= Radius_A-Rw; // base corner radius #local Rc2= Radius_B-Rw; // top corner radius #local H = vlength( AB)-2*Rw; // Pyramid_Height; #if ( H <= 0 ) // --------------------------- #debug "Warning: H must be > 0 " #local H = 0 ; #end // ---------------------------------------- #local D = 0.000001; #if ( N < 3) #local N = 3; #end // 3 is minimum!!! #if ( Rw = 0 ) #local Rw = D; #end #if ( Rw < 0 ) #local Rw = abs(Rw) ; #end #if ( Rc1 < 0 ) #local Rc1 = abs(Rc1) ; #end #if ( Rc2 < 0 ) #local Rc2 = abs(Rc2) ; #end // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #local Flip = 0; #if ( Rc1 < Rc2 ) #local Delta_Xchange = Rc1; #local Rc1 = Rc2; #local Rc2 = Delta_Xchange; #local Flip = 1; #end // -------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // radii to middle of the horizontal edges #local Re1 = Rc1*cos(radians(180/N)); #local Re2 = Rc2*cos(radians(180/N)); // length of the hor. edges: #local HLe1 = Rc1*sin(radians(180/N)); // half length of base edge #local HLe2 = Rc2*sin(radians(180/N)); // half length of top edge // #local P_Angle = degrees(atan2( H, (Re1-Re2))); // pending sides angle against vertical !! // ----------------------------------------------------------- // wire radius depending relevant values #local Rw_sin = Rw*sin(radians(P_Angle)); // side difference #local Rw_cos = Rw*cos(radians(P_Angle)); // height diffence //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // wireframe + filling ------------------------------------------------ global union #if (Merge_On = 1) merge{ #else union{ // I #end // of #if (Merge_On = 1) ............. //---------------------------- Wireframe #if (Rc1 = 0 ) sphere{< 0, H, 0>,Rw } // only one base sphere #end #if (Rc2 = 0 ) sphere{< 0, H, 0>,Rw } // only one top sphere #end #local Nr = 0; #while (Nr< N) #if (Merge_On = 1) // Ia merge{ #else union{ #end // of "#if (Merge_On = 1)" #if (Rc1 != 0 ) // else no base spheres and no base ring cylinders sphere{< Rc1, 0, 0>,Rw} // base corner cylinder {< 0, 0, -HLe1>, < 0, 0, HLe1>,Rw translate rotate<0,-180/N,0 > } // lower sides hor.ring #end #if (H > 0) #if (Rc2 != 0 ) // else no top sphere and no base ring cylinders sphere{< Rc2, H, 0>,Rw} // top corner cylinder {< 0, 0, -HLe2>, < 0, 0, HLe2>,Rw translate rotate<0,-180/N,0 > } // upper sides hor.ring #end cylinder {< Rc1, 0, 0>,< Rc2, H, 0>,Rw } // side edge base to top #end rotate<0,Nr*360/N,0> } // end of union or merge // Ia #local Nr = Nr + 1; #end // -------------------------- end of wire frame // --------------------------------------------------- #if (Fill_On = 1) // ------------------------ filling #if (Merge_On = 1) merge{ //II #else union{ //II #end // of "#if (Merge_On = 1)" #local Nr = 0; #while (Nr< N) #if (Merge_On = 1) merge{ //III #else union{ //III #end // of "#if (Merge_On = 1)" intersection{ prism{ -Rw ,H+Rw , 4 // prism y < Rw_sin+D , 0>, < Re1+Rw_sin+D, HLe1>, < Re1+Rw_sin+D,-HLe1>, < Rw_sin+D , 0> } // end of prism in y -------- prism{ -Rc1-D , Rc1+D, 5 // prism z < 0 , Rw_cos>, < Re1+Rw_sin , Rw_cos>, < Re2+Rw_sin , H+Rw_cos>, < 0 , H+Rw_cos>, < 0 , Rw_cos> rotate<-90,0,0> scale<1,1,-1> } // end of prism --------------- rotate<0,-180/N,0> rotate<0,-Nr*360/N,0> }// end of intersection // inner between fillers, center to the corners: prism{ -Rw_sin-D , Rw_sin+D, 5 // prism z < -D ,Rw_cos -D>, < Rc1 ,Rw_cos -D>, < Rc2 ,Rw_cos +H +D>, <-D ,Rw_cos +H +D>, <-D ,Rw_cos -D> rotate<-90,0,0> scale<1,1,-1> rotate<0,360/N/2,0> rotate<0,-360/N/2 ,0> rotate<0,-(Nr)*360/N,0> } // end of prism ------------------------------------- }// end union/merge III #local Nr = Nr + 1; #end // fillers cover and top --------------------------------------- intersection{ // lower cover #local Nr = 0; #while (Nr< N) box{ <-1.5*Rc1,-Rw-D*Nr,-Rc1-Rw_sin>, rotate<0,(Nr+0.5)*360/N,0>} #local Nr = Nr + 1; #end }// end of intersection intersection{ // upper cover #local Nr = 0; #while (Nr< N) box{<-1.5*Rc1,H-Rw,-Rc1>, rotate<0,(Nr+0.5)*360/N,0>} #local Nr = Nr + 1; #end }// end of intersection }// end of union or merge // II #end // of (Fill_On = 1) ---------- end of filling translate<0,Rw,0> #if (Flip = 1) scale<1,-1,1> translate<0,H+2*Rw,0> #end Reorient_Trans(< 0,1,0>, AB ) // needs "transforms.inc": translate A } // end of global union #end// ----------------------------------------------<<< end of macro Round_Pyramid_N_out() // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -----------------------------------------------------------------<<< macro Rounded_Tube() #macro Rounded_Tube ( Tube_R_out__, // Tube radius outside Tube_R_in__, // Tube inner radius Border_R__, // border radius Tube_Y__, // tube high Merge_, // 0 = union, 1 = merge ) //---------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #local D = 0.000001; /// *Border_R__ #local Tube_R_out_ = Tube_R_out__; #local Tube_R_in_ = Tube_R_in__; #local Border_R_ = Border_R__; #local Tube_Y_ = Tube_Y__; // inner radius bigger than outer radius - exchange them #if (Tube_R_in_ > Tube_R_out_) #local Temporary_ = Tube_R_out_; #local Tube_R_out_ = Tube_R_in_; #local Tube_R_in_ = Temporary_; #warning concat("\nTube inner radius > tube inner radius! \n Radii exchanged!") #end // too big border radii: reduce border radii. #if ( Border_R_ >= min((Tube_Y_/2),(Tube_R_out_-Tube_R_in_) )) #local Border_R_ = min((Tube_Y_/2),(Tube_R_out_-Tube_R_in_))-D; #warning concat("\nTube height < 2*border radius! or Difference of outer radius - inner radius < 2*border radius! Border radius reduced!") #end #if (Merge_ = 1 ) merge{ #else union { #end difference{ // outline cylinder{<0,+Border_R_,0>,<0,Tube_Y_-Border_R_,0>,Tube_R_out_ } cylinder{<0,-D ,0>,<0,Tube_Y_+D, 0>,Tube_R_in_ } } // end of difference difference{ // tween cylinder{<0,0, 0>,<0,Tube_Y_ ,0>,Tube_R_out_-Border_R_} cylinder{<0,-D,0>,<0,Tube_Y_+D,0>,Tube_R_in_ +Border_R_} } // end of difference torus{ Tube_R_out_-Border_R_, Border_R_ translate<0,Tube_Y_-Border_R_-D,0>} torus{ Tube_R_out_-Border_R_, Border_R_ translate<0,0+Border_R_+D,0>} torus{ Tube_R_in_ +Border_R_, Border_R_ translate<0,Tube_Y_-Border_R_-D,0>} torus{ Tube_R_in_ +Border_R_, Border_R_ translate<0,0+Border_R_+D,0>} } // end of merge or union #end// of macro --------------------------------------------<<< end of macro Rounded_Tube() // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------<<< macro Rounded_Tube_AB() #macro Rounded_Tube_AB ( Point_A, Point_B, Radius_out, Radius_in, Border_Radius, Merge) // -------------------------------------------------------------- #local A = Point_A; #local B = Point_B; #local AB = B-A; #local H = vlength( AB); // pyramid height; object{ Rounded_Tube ( Radius_out, Radius_in, Border_Radius, H, Merge ) Reorient_Trans(< 0,1,0>, AB ) // needs "transforms.inc": translate A } // #end // ------------<<< end of macro Rounded_Tube_AB(N, A, B, R_out, R_in, R_Border, Merge ) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------<<< macro Round_Cylinder_Tube() #macro Round_Cylinder_Tube ( A, // starting point B, // end point Radius, // major radius EdgeRadius, // minor radius Filled, // if Filled = 1; otherwise: open tube UseMerge // use merge for transparent materials ) //--------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #local D = 0.00001; #if( Filled = 0 ) difference{ #end #if( UseMerge = 1 ) merge { #else union { #end #if( Radius0, vertical center distance of upper + lower torii R_upper_, // >0, upper radius up by <0,C_distance,0> R_lower_, // >0, lower radius on zero !!! Border_R_, // max. = min(R_lower,R_upper) Merge_On ) //------- looks in y+direction //------------------------------------------------------------------ #local D = 0.000001; // just a little bit !!! //------------------------------------------ #local C_distance = C_distance_; #local R_upper = R_upper_; #local R_lower = R_lower_; #local Border_R = Border_R_; //------------------------------------------ #if (C_distance = 0) #local C_distance = D; #warning "\nRound_Conic_Torus() macro called with center distance = 0,\n center distance set to 0.000001 ! \n" #end #if (C_distance < 0) #local C_distance = abs(C_distance); #warning "\nRound_Conic_Torus() macro called with center distance < 0,\n center distance set to abs(center distance) ! \n" #end #if (Border_R < 0 ) #local Border_R = abs( Border_R ); #warning "\nRound_Conic_Torus() macro called with border radius < 0,\n border radius set to abs(border radius) ! \n" #end #if (Border_R = 0 ) #local Border_R = 0.01; #warning "\nRound_Conic_Torus() macro called with border radius = 0,\n border radius set to 0.001 ! \n" #end #if (Border_R > min(R_lower,R_upper) ) #local Border_R = min(R_lower,R_upper)+D; #warning "\nRound_Conic_Torus() macro called with border radius > min(lower radius, upper radius),\n border radius set to min(lower radius, upper radius) + 0.000001 ! \n" #end #if (R_upper = 0) #local R_upper = 0.002; #warning "\nRound_Conic_Torus() macro called with upper radius = 0,\n upper radius set to 0.002 ! \n" #end #if (R_upper < 0) #local R_upper = abs (R_upper); #warning "\nRound_Conic_Torus() macro called with upper radius < 0,\n upper radius set to abs(upper radius) ! \n" #end #if (R_lower = 0) #local R_lower = 0.002; #warning "\nRound_Conic_Torus() macro called with lower radius = 0,\n lower radius set to 0.002 ! \n" #end #if (R_lower < 0) #local R_lower = abs (R_upper); #warning "\nRound_Conic_Torus() macro called with lower radius < 0,\n lower radius set to abs(lower radius) ! \n" #end //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // exchange upper and lower for construction if necessary (later they will changed back!) #if ( (R_upper >= R_lower) & (C_distance>0)) #local Ro = R_upper; #local Ru = R_lower; #local Flag=0; #else #local Ro = R_lower; #local Ru = R_upper; #local Flag=1; #end //------------------------------------------------------ #local Side_Len = sqrt(pow(C_distance,2) - pow( (Ro-Ru),2) ); #local Side_Angle = degrees( atan( (Ro-Ru)/ Side_Len) ); #if ( Merge_On = 1 ) union{ #else merge{ #end // +z /-z border cylinder pending cylinder{< 0,0,-D>,<0,Side_Len,0>,Border_R translate<0,0,Ru> rotate< Side_Angle,0,0>} cylinder{< 0,0,-D>,<0,Side_Len,0>,Border_R translate<0,0,Ru> rotate< Side_Angle,0,0> scale<1,1,-1>} intersection{ // +z box pending torus{ Ru, Border_R rotate<0,0,90> translate<0,0,0>} box{< -Border_R-D,0,-Ru-Border_R-D>, rotate< Side_Angle,0,0> inverse} box{< -Border_R-D,0,-Ru-Border_R-D>, rotate<-Side_Angle,0,0> inverse} }// end inters intersection{ // +z box pending //union{ torus{ Ro, Border_R rotate<0,0,90> translate<0,C_distance,0>} intersection{ box{< -Border_R-D,-Ro-Border_R-D,-Ro-Border_R-D>, rotate< Side_Angle,0,0> } box{< -Border_R-D,-Ro-Border_R-D,-Ro-Border_R-D>, rotate<-Side_Angle,0,0> } translate<0,C_distance,0> inverse} }// end inters //#end // of "#if ( Border_R > 0 )" #if (Flag = 1) scale<1,-1,1> translate<0,C_distance,0> #end rotate<0,90,0> // turn it in the xy-plane } //end of union #end// of macro ---------------------------------------<<< end of macro Round_Conic_Torus() // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------<<< macro Round_Conic_Prism() #macro Round_Conic_Prism( C_distance_, // >0, vertical center distance of the upper and lower torii R_upper_, // >0, upper radius up by <0,C_distance,0> R_lower_, // >0, lower radius on zero !!! Len_, // length in z- Border_R_, //max. = min(R_lower,R_upper) 0 = without rounded borders Merge_On ) //------- looks in y+direction // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #local D = 0.000001; // just a little bit !!! // ------------------------------------------ #local C_distance = C_distance_; #local R_upper = R_upper_; #local R_lower = R_lower_; #local Len = Len_; #local Border_R = Border_R_; // ------------------------------------------ #if (C_distance = 0) #local C_distance = 0.001; #warning "\nRound_Conic_Prism() macro called with center distance = 0,\n center distance set to 0.000001 ! \n" #end #if (C_distance < 0) #local C_distance = abs(C_distance); #warning "\nRound_Conic_Prism() macro called with center distance < 0,\n center distance set to abs(center distance) ! \n" #end #if (Border_R < 0 ) #local Border_R = abs( Border_R ); #warning "\nRound_Conic_Prism() macro called with border radius < 0,\n border radius set to abs(border radius) ! \n" #end #if (Border_R = 0 ) // #local Border_R = 0.01; // #warning "\nRound_Conic_Torus() macro called with border radius = 0,\n border radius set to 0.001 ! \n" #end #if (Border_R > min(R_lower,R_upper) ) #local Border_R = min(R_lower,R_upper)+D; #warning "\nRound_Conic_Prism() macro called with border radius > min(lower radius, upper radius),\n border radius set to min(lower radius, upper radius) + 0.000001 ! \n" #end #if (R_upper = 0) #local R_upper = 0.0005; #warning "\nRound_Conic_Prism() macro called with upper radius = 0,\n upper radius set to 0.0005 ! \n" #end #if (R_upper < 0) #local R_upper = abs (R_upper); #warning "\nRound_Conic_Prism() macro called with upper radius < 0,\n upper radius set to abs(upper radius) ! \n" #end #if (R_lower = 0) #local R_lower = 0.0001; #warning "\nRound_Conic_Prism() macro called with lower radius = 0,\n lower radius set to 0.0001 ! \n" #end #if (R_lower < 0) #local R_lower = abs (R_upper); #warning "\nRound_Conic_Prism() macro called with lower radius < 0,\n lower radius set to abs(lower radius) ! \n" #end #if (Len < 0) #local Len = abs(Len); #warning "\nRound_Conic_Prism() macro called with length in z+ = 0,\n length set to abs(length in z-) ! \n" #end #if (Len < 2*Border_R+D) #local Len = 2*Border_R+D; #warning "\nRound_Conic_Prism() macro called with length <= 2*border radius,\n length set to 2*border radius+0.000001 ! \n" #end #if (Len = 0) #local Len = 2*Border_R+D; #warning "\nRound_Conic_Prism() macro called with length in z- = 0,\n length set to 2*border radius+0.000001 ! \n" #end // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // exchange upper and lower for construction if necessary (later they will changed back!) #if ( (R_upper >= R_lower) & (C_distance>0)) #local Ro = R_upper; #local Ru = R_lower; #local Flag=0; #else #local Ro = R_lower; #local Ru = R_upper; #local Flag=1; #end // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #local Side_Len = sqrt(abs( pow(C_distance,2) - pow( ( abs(Ro-Ru)),2) ) ); #local Side_Angle = degrees( atan( abs((Ro-Ru))/ Side_Len) ); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if ( Merge_On = 1 ) union{ #else merge{ #end // around x-axis - turned later in z- direction intersection{ // +z box pending box{< Border_R,0,-1.1*Ro-D>, translate<0,0,Ru> rotate< Side_Angle,0,0>} box{<-D,-Ro,-D>,} } //end of intersection intersection{ // +z box pending box{< Border_R,0,-1.1*Ro-D>, translate<0,0,Ru> rotate< Side_Angle,0,0>} box{<-D,-Ro,-D>,} scale<1,1,-1> } //end of intersection cylinder{ ,,Ro translate<0,C_distance,0>} cylinder{ ,,Ru translate<0,0,0>} #if ( Border_R > 0 ) // inner boxes full lenght intersection{ // +z box pending box{< 0,0,-1.1*Ro-D>, translate<0,0,Ru-Border_R> rotate< Side_Angle,0,0>} box{<-D,-Ro,0>,} } //end of intersection intersection{ // +z box pending box{< 0,0,-1.1*Ro-D>, translate<0,0,Ru-Border_R> rotate< Side_Angle,0,0>} box{<-D,-Ro,-D>,} scale<1,1,-1> } //end of intersection // +z /-z border cylinder pending cylinder{< 0,0,-D>,<0,Side_Len,0>,Border_R translate rotate< Side_Angle,0,0>} cylinder{< 0,0,-D>,<0,Side_Len,0>,Border_R translate rotate< Side_Angle,0,0> scale<1,1,-1>} cylinder{< 0,0,-D>,<0,Side_Len,0>,Border_R translate rotate< Side_Angle,0,0>} cylinder{< 0,0,-D>,<0,Side_Len,0>,Border_R translate rotate< Side_Angle,0,0> scale<1,1,-1>} torus{ Ro-Border_R, Border_R rotate<0,0,90> translate} torus{ Ru-Border_R, Border_R rotate<0,0,90> translate} torus{ Ro-Border_R, Border_R rotate<0,0,90> translate} torus{ Ru-Border_R, Border_R rotate<0,0,90> translate} cylinder{ <0,0,0>,,Ro-Border_R translate<0,C_distance,0>} cylinder{ <0,0,0>,,Ru-Border_R translate<0,0,0>} #end // of "#if ( Border_R > 0 )" #if (Flag = 1) scale<1,-1,1> translate<0,C_distance,0> #end rotate<0,90,0> } //end of union #end// of macro ---------------------------------------<<< end of macro Round_Conic_Prism() // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------<<< macro Half_Hollowed_Rounded_Cylinder1() #macro Half_Hollowed_Rounded_Cylinder1( Len_total_, // total_Lenght from end to end R_out_, // outer radius R_Border_, // border Radius < outer radius !!! Border_Scale_y_, // ( >=0 ) 0 = no rounded borders! Merge_On , // 0 = union, 1 = merge ! ) //----------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #local D = 0.000001; // just a little bit !!! //------------------------------------------ #local Len_total = Len_total_; #local R_out = R_out_; #local R_Border = R_Border_; #local Border_Scale_y = Border_Scale_y_; #if ( R_out < R_Border ) #warning "\nHalf_Hollowed_Rounded_Cylinder1() macro called with outer radius < border radius,\n radii exchanged ! \n" #local Safe = R_Border; #local R_Border = R_out; #local R_out = Safe; #end #if ( R_out - R_Border <= 0 + D) #warning "\nHalf_Hollowed_Rounded_Cylinder1() macro called with outer radius ~ border radius,\n border radius set to 0.00002 ! \n" #local R_Border = 2*D #end #local R_in = R_out - R_Border ; #if ( Len_total < 2*R_out ) #warning "\nHalf_Hollowed_Rounded_Cylinder1() macro called with total length < 2*outer radius,\n length increased to 2*outer radius. Results may not be as expected !\n" #local Len_total = 2*R_out +D; #end #local Len = Len_total-2*R_out; // length of linear kernel #local R_Border = (R_out-R_in)/2 ; // Radius of the upper borders // ----------------------------------------------------------------- #if (Merge_On = 0) union{ #else merge{ #end // hollow half rounded cylinder difference{ #if (Merge_On = 0) union{ #else merge{ #end cylinder{ <-Len/2,0,0>,,R_out} sphere{ <-Len/2,0,0>,R_out} sphere{ < Len/2,0,0>,R_out} }// end of union or merge cylinder {<-Len/2,0,0>,,R_in} sphere { <-Len/2,0,0>,R_in} sphere { < Len/2,0,0>,R_in} // cut off the upper part box{ <-Len-R_out-D, D,-R_out-D>, < Len+R_out+D, R_out+D, R_out+D>} } #if( Border_Scale_y > 0 ) // rounded borders #if (Merge_On = 0) union{ #else merge{ #end // side cylinders difference { cylinder{ <-Len/2-D,0, R_in + R_Border >, < Len/2+D,0, R_in + R_Border >, R_Border } box{ <-Len-R_out-D,-R_Border-D,-R_out-D> < Len+R_out+D, -D, R_out+D>} } difference { cylinder{ <-Len/2-D,0,-R_in - R_Border >, < Len/2+D,0,-R_in - R_Border >, R_Border } box{ <-Len-R_out-D,-R_Border-D,-R_out-D> < Len+R_out+D, -D, R_out+D>} } // ending with half torii difference { union { // torus{ R_in+R_Border,R_Border sturm translate <-Len/2,0,0> } torus{ R_in+R_Border,R_Border sturm translate < Len/2,0,0> } } // end of inner union cylinder {<-Len/2+D,0,0>,,R_out+D} box{ <-Len-R_out-D,-R_Border-D,-R_out-D> < Len+R_out+D, -D, R_out+D>} } // end of rounded borders base shape scale <1,Border_Scale_y,1> }// end borders #end// of "#if( Border_Scale_y > 0 )" } // end of union or merge #end // of macro -----------------------<<< end of macro Half_Hollowed_Rounded_Cylinder1() // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------<<< macro Half_Hollowed_Rounded_Cylinder2() #macro Half_Hollowed_Rounded_Cylinder2( Len_total_, // total_Lenght from end to end R_out_, // Radius_out, outer radius R_End_, // < R_out ! > 2*R_Border R_Border_, // border radius Border_Scale_y_ // ( >0 ), 0 = no rounded borders Merge_On, // 0 = union, 1 = merge ! ) //----------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #local D = 0.000001; // just a little bit !!! // ------------------------------------------ #local Len_total = Len_total_; #local R_out = R_out_; #local R_End = R_End_; #local R_Border = R_Border_; #local Border_Scale_y = Border_Scale_y_; #if ( R_End > Len_total/2 ) #warning "\nHalf_Rounded_Hollowed_Cylinder2() macro called with end radius < total lenght/2,\nresults may not be as expected\n" #local R_End = Len_total/2-2*D; #end #if ( R_out < R_Border ) #warning "\nHalf_Hollowed_Rounded_Cylinder1() macro called with outer radius < border radius,\n radii exchanged ! \n" #local Safe = R_Border; #local R_Border = R_out; #local R_out = Safe; #end #local Len = Len_total-2*R_End; // length of linear kernel #local R_in = (R_out-2*R_Border) ; // Radius of the inner round cylindere #local D_Corner = R_out - R_End; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #local Corner_Border = intersection{ torus{ R_End-R_Border, R_Border sturm } box {<0,-D,0>, // +x +z corner } } // end intersection // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #if (Merge_On = 0) union{ #else merge{ #end // hollow rounded cylinder difference{ object{ //Round_Cylinder(point A, point B, Radius, EdgeRadius, UseMerge) Round_Cylinder(<-Len/2,0,0>, , R_out, R_End, Merge_On) } // -------------------------------------------------------------- object{ //Round_Cylinder(point A, point B, Radius, EdgeRadius, UseMerge) Round_Cylinder(<-Len/2+2*R_Border,0,0>, , R_in, R_End-2*R_Border, Merge_On) translate<0,D,0> } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // cut off the upper part box{ <-Len-R_out-D, D,-R_out-D>, < Len+R_out+D, R_out+D, R_out+D>} } #if( Border_Scale_y > 0 ) // rounded borders difference { // with 1/4 torii in the corners #if (Merge_On = 0) union{ #else merge{ #end cylinder{ <-Len/2-D +R_End,0, R_in + R_Border >, < Len/2+D -R_End,0, R_in + R_Border >, R_Border } cylinder{ <-Len/2-D +R_End,0,-R_in - R_Border >, < Len/2+D -R_End,0,-R_in - R_Border >, R_Border } object{ Corner_Border translate } object{ Corner_Border translate scale<-1,1, 1> } object{ Corner_Border translate scale<-1,1,-1> } object{ Corner_Border translate scale< 1,1,-1> } cylinder{ <0,0, R_out-R_End +D >, <0,0,-(R_out-R_End)-D >, R_Border translate <-Len/2+R_Border,0,0> } cylinder{ <0,0, R_out-R_End +D >, <0,0,-(R_out-R_End)-D >, R_Border translate < Len/2-R_Border,0,0> } } // end inner union box{ <-Len-R_out-D,-R_Border-D,-R_out-D> < Len+R_out+D, -D, R_out+D>} scale <1,Border_Scale_y,1> }// end difference borders #end// of "#if( Border_Scale_y > 0 )" } // end of union or merge #end // of macro ----------------------<<< end of macro Half_Hollowed_Rounded_Cylinder2() // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------- #version Shapes3_Inc_Temp; #end // -------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- end of include file shapes3.inc