// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File // File: bug.pov // Vers: megapov .4 // Date: 05/02/2000 // Auth: Rodolphe // Mail: rod.gelaude@infonie.fr // bug = 0 no bug // leure = 1 no bug // bug = 1 and leure = 0 bug #declare bug=1; #declare leure=0; #version unofficial MegaPov 0.4; //debut de fichier camera { //location <200, 180, -600> location <-350, 180, -700> direction <0, 0, 1.20711> sky <0, 1, 0> up <0, 1, 0> right <1.33333, 0, 0> //look_at <200, 150, 0> look_at <2000, 150, 500> } #default { pigment {rgb <1,1,1>} } //creation d'une source de lumiere ponctuelle light_source { 0*x //POSITION de base color rgb 1 //COULEUR //fade_distance FADE_DISTANCE // atténuation de la lumière avec la distance // fade_power FADE_POWER // idem translate <-20000, 40000, -20000>// deplace la lumiere } // Set a color of the background (sky) background { color red 0.1 green 0.3 blue 0.8 } #declare cm=1; #declare m=cm*100; #declare hazard=seed(0); #if (leure=0) #declare montagne= height_field { tga "map.tga" water_level 0 smooth scale <288, 259, 143> translate <-288/2,0,-259/2 > scale <50,180,50> } #end #if (leure=1) #declare montagne= box{ <0, 0, 0> < 1, 1, 1> scale <288, 259, 143> translate <-288/2,0,-259/2 > scale <50,180,50> } #end object {montagne translate <500*m,-80*m,100*m>} plane{ y, 0 texture { pigment { bozo color_map { [ 0.000 rgb <1.000,0.702,0.086> ] [ 0.500 rgb <1.000,0.792,0.353> ] [ 1.000 rgb <1.000,0.741,0.224> ] } } scale 20 } } #if (bug=1) cylinder { 0*y, 300*y, 100 translate 30*m*x } #end