POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unix : X Windows display: disabled : Re: X Windows display: disabled Server Time
15 Feb 2025 01:21:00 EST (-0500)
  Re: X Windows display: disabled  
From: Le Forgeron
Date: 5 Oct 2018 10:28:31
Message: <5bb7750f$1@news.povray.org>
Le 05/10/2018 à 14:11, William F Pokorny a écrit :
> On 10/04/2018 01:11 PM, Le_Forgeron wrote:
>> Le 03/10/2018 à 20:19, William F Pokorny a écrit :
>>> Just a note another user already has a branch of POV-Ray running with
>>> SDL2. See the closed issue:
>>> https://github.com/POV-Ray/povray/issues/345
>>> and specifically the comments at the bottom for some details.
>> Thanks, I was able to find a branch with the SDL2 calls, and even
>> compiled, but there must be some black magic in running SDL2 because I'm
>> unable to get a window to show when doing "make check"
> Ah, it's never easy as I learn every time I think it will be... :-)
> I'd not before tried a compile myself. Doing that just now I'm seeing 
> the same thing with the lpub3d-raytracer-cui. Even running other scene 
> files against the built code explicitly. Ubuntu 18.04.
> Hmm, a shot in the dark but let me try clang. No go.
> Unsure what the black magic might be and no time to dig at the moment. I 
> don't think email via github works these days. I'll post a quick comment 
> to the closed issue about getting the SDL2 window to work.

Relax, last night (after midnight) was a bit of good, I should have a 
working prototype with SDL2 soon (I got the window to show, and even to 
update, but I had to resort to tutorial for that, and the original logic 
of the code seems at large)

I also had a look at X11 code of 3.1 and it seems the SDL code (1.2 & 2) 
get a lot of inherited complexity from the old render pattern (3.1: one 
pixel at a time, on the same line, then next line): for instance the 
"optimisation" of rectangle to update is totally wrong now (rectangle is 
never reset, so the whole picture is updated every block, but it is even 
more complex, If I get it correctly, the update of pixels is done by a 
thread and the update of the window is done by another thread (good: the 
update of the window can be slow, so better do it in the front end thread).

It was nice to see the title bar with the "paused" text when rendering 
"make check".

On the sad news, I tried animation and it crashed (but there is comment 
already in official sdl 1.2 disp_sdl.cpp about that kind).

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