Dude chill out, the world doesn't revolve around Emacs...I should know because I use Emacs and it DOES do a crapload that one doesn't neccessarily always need. For example, while taking notes for CS I prefer to use jed because it's smaller, faster, and does many of the same things I need it to do. I don't see any need to comment negatively about his editor just because he wants to use something different. Let's face it, Emacs is a dusty old dinosaur, and while it is quite usable, some people prefer the study of mammals over dinosaurs, if that analogy makes any sense ;P

Take Care,


Warp wrote:
Fabien Hénon <ffjhenon@club-internet.fr> wrote:
What I don't like in emacs is that is that, you have to twiddle with parameters
and see at the end that it does not work.

But you don't have to do that each time you want to edit a povray file.
You configure emacs _once_, and then you just edit pov files.

| Tim Soderstrom                                                       |
| MightyTim@mail.utexas.edu                                            |
| http://www.crosswinds.net/~mightytim                                 |
|                                                                      | 
| "Life is like a box of chocolates - never know what you gonna get"   |
|                                                    -Forrest Gump     |
\                                                                      /