/* MAKER: dan williams FILE: clipper.pov (soon to be clipper.inc) dan_williams@sunshine.net this file demontrates a problem I'v had with povray for about a year now. note that nomatter where you put the camera (only confirmed on linux version of povray(3.1g)) or the object(sphere) you get a white(grey) screen (no not of death, blue because thats the colour of the sphere. This is really annoying, I bought a K7-500 just so I could combine it with povray and get some real speed, this bug clobbers a major "masterpice" that I built back in '98 :-( if you move the camera or the sphere around you will get the same result. please someone tell me if they know what the bug is that causes this, being that I have all the nice trig math in it, I suspect it'll be as easy as one variable overflowing into another or something really complex. povray-linux-3.1g: shows a dark grey screen. povray-linux-3.02: shows nothing. povray-3.1a-msdos-wat-cwa: shows the sphere infront of the camera. (like it should) */ #include "colors.inc" #declare rbshx = 0; #declare rbshy = 0; #declare rbshz = 0; #declare rbel = 0; #declare rbwr = 0; #declare yaw = -9.599999 ; #declare pitch = 0; #declare roll = 0; #declare bodyx = 4.930051 ; #declare bodyy = 0 ; #declare bodyz = 0 ; #declare rbfootx = 6.561885 ; #declare rbfooty = 2.627779E-02 ; #declare rbfootz = -.8193697 ; camera { location <0.01, 1, -3> // front view direction <0, 1, 0> look_at <0, 1, 4> } light_source { <0, 1, -3> color White translate <0, 10.88, 0> } //sphere {<0,0,0>,1 // texture{ pigment {White}} // translate <0,1,2> //} #declare trbfootx = rbfootx; #declare trbfooty = rbfooty + .9675; // 1.0625 #declare trbfootz = rbfootz; #declare tbodyx = bodyx + .9675; #declare tbodyy = bodyy + .968; #declare tbodyz = bodyz - .39; #declare vbodypos = ; #declare vbodyspin = ; #declare vbodyposs = vrotate(vbodypos, vbodyspin); #declare tbodyx = vbodyposs.x; #declare tbodyy = vbodyposs.y; #declare tbodyz = vbodyposs.z; #declare len = sqrt((tbodyx-trbfootx)*(tbodyx-trbfootx) + (tbodyy - trbfooty)*(tbodyy - trbfooty) + (tbodyz - trbfootz)*(tbodyz - trbfootz)); #declare rbshx = degrees(acos((len/2)/.78)); sphere{ <0, 0, 0>,1 texture{ pigment {White}} rotate //correct direction translate <0, 1, 2> }