Dear Nieminen,

 I am trying to install the POV-Ray for Unix on a Digital AlphaServer4000 5/400 System(Digital Unix 4.0).  As per your instruction, I chose makefile.dec.
It went OK upto this point.
After that, I had a problem after I typed: gmake newunix
       ksh: gmake:  not found
Since I'm a real newbie to this Unix world, I really need some help in this regard.
 Do I have to install the gmake program somewhere on the Digital Unix /bin?
 Can I simply install in my subdirectory for the gmake to work?
 Can I get the program from the site?

Thanks in advance,


Nieminen Mika wrote:

  Quick instructions how to compile POV-Ray for UNIX:

  - Download the source code from
    to a temporary directory.

  - Uncompress the file. If you don't know how, try with these commands:
    gunzip povuni_s.tgz
    tar -xvf povuni_s.tar

  - You can now delete povuni_s.tar if you want.

  - Go to the povray31/source/ directory (cd povray31/source)

  - In this directory, go to the zlib directory (cd zlib)

  - Edit the Makefile. You may want to change the compiler to gcc (or
    any other you like), ie. change the line "CC=cc" to "CC=gcc". You may
    also want more optimizations, ie. change the line "CGLAGS=-O" to
    "CFLAGS=-O3" or higher. The default settings are just fine, thought.

  - At the command prompt type: make libz.a

  - Go to povray31/source/libpng/ (cd ../libpng/)

  - See the contents of the 'scripts' subdirectory (ls scripts) and copy
    the proper file to 'Makefile' in the current directory. For example,
    if you are using SunOS you would type: cp scripts/makefile.sun Makefile

  - Edit the Makefile and change the compiler and flags. Once again, the
    default settings are just fine and you don't have to change anything
    if you don't want to.

  - Type: make libpng.a

  - Go to povray31/source/unix (cd ../unix/)

  - Edit the makefile:

    1) If you know that you can use libpng as a shared library, you can
       leave the LIBPNG* lines as they are. Else, or if you are not sure,
       comment the line "LIBPNGLIB = -L$(PNGDIR) -lpng" (add a # at the
       beginning) and uncomment the line "LIBPNGLIB = $(PNGDIR)/libpng.a"
       (remove the # from the beginning).

    2) Do the same with the ZLIB* lines (usually you would uncomment the
       "ZLIBLIB = $(ZLIBDIR)/libz.a" line and comment the
       "ZLIBLIB = -L$(ZLIBDIR) -lz" line).

    3) If you are going to compile a xwin version, choose the proper X11
       line and comment the others. For example, if you are using a SunOS
       and the X libraries are in /usr/openwin, then uncomment the line
       "X11 = /usr/openwin" and comment the others.
       IMPORTANT NOTE: There are extra spaces at the end of some lines.
       You have to remove them or the compilation will fail.

    4) Choose the proper CFLAGS line (ie. uncomment it and comment the
       others). For example in SunOS (and most unixes) the proper CFLAGS
       line is the first one. Change the "-O2" to "-O3" if you want.

  - At the command prompt, type: gmake newxwin
    If you only want a command line version, you can type: gmake newunix
    In Linux you can type: gmake newsvga

  - If everything went fine, you should have a file named x-povray in the
    current directory. You can reduce its size by typing "strip x-povray".

  - Copy it to the directory you want it installed.

  - You can now delete the temporary directory where you downloaded the

  - Download the extra stuff from
    and uncompress it to the same directory where you want povray installed.

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