Ken wrote:
The link I have to Steve's Object Builder is

The server is currently not responding but that does not mean it will be
permanently off line. I would suggest you try back in a couple of days
and see if it resurfaces. I see server not responding errors all of the
time and then they mysteriously start working again.

Ken Tyler -  1200+ Povray, Graphics, 3D Rendering, and Raytracing Links:

That seems to be the problem now, but when I accessed it earlier all the page contained was a message like "H3H! U luz4 .." and other such gibberish. It wasn't true gibberish, like a scrambled page, but more like the headache inducing dross that some odd fellows seem to think is err.. kEwL <g>. Hopefully, it was just the link that was fragged, and Steve's pages are still intact somewhere.
-- Krystian Bates
Blackstaff Graphics